Flower of Romance (Plant Man x Reader)

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You were helping out a few robot masters plant flowers in a community park.

"It's scorching hot out here." You say to Wood Man, who was planting flowers next to you.

"It feels kinda nice." Wood Man replied.

"I guess. The sun benefits you nature robots." You say.

"Wait, you're not a nature robot?" Wood Man looks up at you.

"...No. You thought I was?" You reply

"Yeah. You look like a nature type to me. Or maybe it's just the fact that you like to hang out where there's a lot of nature." Wood Man said.

"I guess you're right.." You say, planting the last flower.

"He's completely right." A voice said behind you.

"Oh! Plant Man! I didn't realize you were here." You were a little surprised.

"Why wouldn't I be here? Anyways, Would you like to go with me?" Plant Man reaches out his hand.

"Ok!" You grab onto Plant Man's hand, where he lifts you up into a standing position.

"Thanks for the help, Wood Man." You wave goodbye and ask Plant Man where he would take you.

"Well, I've noticed you like nature a lot, and yours truly, likes nature too. So, I decided I wanted to take you on a little trip to the rainforest." He said, giving you a quick smile.

"Wow, really? I've always wanted to go there!" you jump excitedly.

"Of course!" Plant Man says.


At the rainforest, you were following behind Plant Man. You were amazed at all the things that were there. There were huge leaves, plants, and very tall trees. You liked walking through the dappled sunlight that passed through trees.

There were a few insects and spiders, which you looked at them with wonder. You would see a jaguar or two, observing them as you followed Plant Man.

You heard a slight hiss. You and Plant Man turn your head to find Snake Man on a tree branch with 4 large snakes coiling and slithering around him.

"I never thought I'd ssssee you two around here." Snake Man said, his snakes turning their heads to observe you and Plant Man.

"Well, if it isn't my old friend." Plant Man said.

"Hm. Sssso did you and your girlfriend come to vissssit?" Snake Man teased, his snakes dropping from the branch and slithering around your legs, showing affection.

"I guess so. Though, she's not my girlfriend. She's just a friend of mine. That's a girl." Plant Man said, getting confused between his sentences.

"Heh. Alright. Have fun." Snake Man snapped his fingers and the snakes returned to him.

"Ok, see you later, Snake." Plant Man waved and held your hand as he started to walk away.

As soon as you and him were out of sight, one of Snake Man's snakes hissed at Snake Man.

"Yeah, I know. They're totally going to be in a relationsssship." Snake Man replied to his snake.


"Here, I wanted to show you this." Plant Man lightly pulls you along as he runs through the thick trees, eventually stopping when a huge meadow appears.

"There's a meadow next to this rainforest, but that's not what I want to show you yet." Plant Man explained.

He ran through the meadow, stopping near a ring of beautiful flowers, all different colors and types.

"Oh wow! This is amazing!...but there's a bare spot in the middle." You point out.

"Yeah. That's why I brought you here." Plant Man said.

He held onto your hand and walked through the flowers, careful he didn't step on any. When he reached the bare spot, he kneeled down, and so did you.

"What are you going to do?" You ask curiously.

Plant Man took out a plant seed and planted it in the ground. He then held your hand and placed it on the same place he buried the plant seed.

"The seed I planted is a special seed. It grows under special qualifications." Plant Man explained.

"How does it work?"

"Love." Plant Man replied.

His face were a few inches from yours. He then turned his head and placed his lips against yours. The ground below started to glow.

As your lips parted his, he stepped back and then a flower started to sprout. The flower then rose up from the ground, then it started to open, revealing petals that were in the shape of a heart. Then it glowed and looked divine.

"Wow... This is so beautiful!" You say, in pure amazement.

"Just as beautiful as you." Plant Man said, hugging you and kissing you once more.

The flower glowed again, then more flowers started sprouting, filling the field with the most beautiful and divine flowers anyone has ever seen.

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