Burner Man x Reader part 2

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"I think I ran out of blankets..." You mumbled to yourself. You looked back at your bed, which had 5+ different blankets.

"Stupid air conditioner..." You said, slamming your fist against the wall.

You checked the time, midnight.

"I guess I'm going to have to sleep in this cold." You said to yourself, wrapping yourself with all of those blankets, going offline."

"Huh...?" You went back online and opened your eyes to find out that Burner Man was shaking you awake.

"What are you doing? You look like a burrito with all those blankets around you." He asked.

"It's just really cold in here. The Air conditioner is pushing all of this cold air in my room, and I can't do anything about it." You replied, shivering violently.

"C'mon, we're going to my room. You'll catch Roboenza or Malware if you stay in here." He said, lifting you up- bridal style -and walked to his room.

As he opened the door, a blast of hot air unexpectedly hit you, causing you to flinch.

"Woah there, you alright...?" He said, placing you in a chair and bringing the warmest blanket and wrapping you around with it.

"Y-Yeah, thank you..." You said. He placed his hand on your own.

"You could have gotten sick back there... Why didn't you come to me? You know I could instantly warm you up." He said.

"Relax, I'm not gonna catch any virus...! I can-" you suddenly coughed cold smoke. "Whoops..."

"What did I tell you..?! I guess I'm going to have to beat that virus out of you!!" He cried, engulfing himself in flames.

"You're gonna WHAT?" You raised your hands up in defense.

"......with affection!" He said, suddenly hugging you. You started to feel a lot better, due to how warm his armor was.

"Haha...I thought you were gonna burn me."

"Now, why would I do that?" He said, kissing your cheek.

"You're right..."

After a while, you started to fall asleep in his arms. After all, he was warm. No more cold nights for you.

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