Fiery Love (Fire Man x Reader)

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(I tried, but I think I didn't make him southern enough. Enjoy this anyways!)

You were another fire type robot, originally built by Dr. Wily for destruction, but then reprogramed by Dr. Light to work alongside Fire Man as his assistant.

"Ya missed a spot." Fire Man pointed out.

"Oh, right, sorry." You replied, burning the last piece of trash that was left.

"Don't be so hard on yerself, kiddo." Fire Man said.

"I just don't feel like I'm doing it right..." Your voice trails off.

"You're just a beginner. Ya don't need to expect th' best. Heck, I've messed up an awful lot and I'm a pro." Fire Man chuckled.

"Yea... I guess you're right...." You forced a smile.

You still felt like you weren't doing a good job. Why aren't you as high tier as the other fire robots?

"Hey, uh... You alright?" Fire Man waved his cannon in front of you to get you to notice him.

You snapped out of your deep thoughts and shook your head.

"Sorry, Fire Man." You apologize.

"You look tired. How 'bout you take a nap or somethin'?"

"Yeah ok... I'll see you tomorrow." You waved goodbye and walked to Dr. Light's laboratory, and Fire Man stayed behind to burn his part of trash.


The next morning, you were in your bed, but you couldn't get up. You then started to feel incredibly warm, a little too warm. In fact, you felt like you were overheating! You tried to vent, but it felt like it didn't help at all. You felt terrible. How were you going to do your job with Fire Man?

A few minutes later, Fire Man came bursting into your room.

"(Y/n)! Is there somethin' wrong? You didn't come to work!"

You tried to reply, but nothing came out. You couldn't move at all. Fire Man rushed out, and brought Dr. Light with him. You were starting to drift back to sleep again, due to the pain you were feeling.


"What in tarnation is Roboenza?!?"

"It's a virus that infects robots." Dr. Light explained.

"I've already programmed you and the others with a antivirus, but it seems (Y/n) is missing one. I don't have the necessary parts to install one, so in the meantime I want you to care for her until I get them."

Fire Man's eyes widened.

"But I don't know how!" Fire Man said, raising his arm cannons.

"I've actually given you hands, you've just never figured out how to revert them back." Dr. Light said.

"Oh.. Then I'll try my best! My Flame of Justice will restore what's right!"


Fire Man had to keep you from overheating by pressing a cold compress against your forehead. You stayed sound asleep, trying to conserve energy.

"Oh, I hope you're alright..." Fire Man whispers to you.

"Aww man, I shouldn't have to make her work so hard."

"I-it wasn't y-your fault..." You weakly whisper out.

Fire Man was surprised that you were listening.

"(Y/n)! Don't waste your energy." Fire Man said, pressing a colder compress onto your forehead.

You grew quiet again. You didn't want to disrespect his orders, so you shut your eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

Fire Man lowered his head in shame.

"Why'd this have to happen....?" He said to himself.


Fire Man lifted his head.

"You...c-care about me...?" You ask him, looking into his eyes.

"Of course I do. You mean more to me then just being my assistant." Fire Man admitted.

You smile weakly, then you close your eyes again, suddenly tired from speaking.


You awoke on the repair table in Dr. Light's laboratory.

"W-what happened?" You ask Dr. Light.

"Fire Man took care of you while you were infected with Roboenza."

"What's Roboenza...?" You question.

"It's a virus that's been passing through robots. I've installed a antivirus to help you get rid of it. You weren't installed with one." Dr. Light explained.

"Oh..." You look at the floor.

"Where's Fire Man?"

"He's at his work station. He wants to see you, by the way." Dr. Light said.

"Ok!" You jump off the repair table and sprint towards your work station.

As you get closer, you see Fire Man burning trash. He turned his head and at your sight he stretched out his arms and you hugged him.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me when I was sick with Roboenza!" You say happily.

"I'd do anything for you." He said, then he took off his mouth piece and kissed you by surprise.

When you pulled away, you were blushing hard, but you smiled, as if you enjoyed it.

"...Thank you..." You say embarrassed.

Fire Man flashed you a smile and kissed you again, and this time you kissed him back too.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now