Quick Man x Reader Part 2

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(I was out of ideas so I had to take drastic measures... so, [enjoy] the oneshot...!")

You were watching from the bleachers at a large racing stadium, cheering for Quick Man. He was racing against Turbo Man, Nitro Man, Charge Man, and unexpectedly, Top Man. Quick Man and Turbo Man where tied for first, Nitro was second, Top Man was third and Charge Man was in last place but started to catch up to Top Man.

As Quick Man did his second lap, he blew you a kiss before he sprinted faster, taking the lead. He was determined to win. He wanted to win for you, so he gave it his all and kept sprinting and made it to the third lap.

"Go Quick Man!! I know you can do it!" You cheered.

As Quick Man passed you again, he smiled triumphantly as he knew that he'd almost hit the 4th lap. He stopped for a quick E-Tank break, and just as Turbo Man was right behind him, Quick Man sprinted again, making Turbo Man furious.

Now, he was at his fifth and final lap. He was incredibly fast, not looking back. As he got nearer to the finish line, he took a wrong step and tripped, and by the high speed he was going in, he hit the ground hard and skidded on the track. The area around him was clouded in dust and smoke, and even the competitors stopped racing and ran over to Quick Man. The crowd grew dead silent and you immediately jumped out of the bleachers and raced onto the track to see Quick Man.

"Is he ok?!?"

"That seemed extremely painful..!"

"Judging from his speed, the fall could be fatal..."

The crowd murmured and whispered to one another.

Quick Man got loaded into a robot ambulance and was quickly taken to the immediate robot repair hospital before you could even see him.

The race was canceled, and the crowd left frightened and worried.


"Quick Man?" You open the door just an inch, quiet not to startle him.

Quick Man's eyes slowly opened, but he moaned of pain. You could tell this was no ordinary accident.

"I came here to visit you. They said that you won't have your replacement parts shipped until next month...." You look down at his damaged body sadly and shed a tear.

"C-come here..." Quick Man slowly put his shaky hand on yours.  You lower your head and he kissed you gently on the cheek.

"I s-still love you..no matter what happens...d-don't feel bad.. This wasn't y-our fault." Quick Man said weakly.

"I know... But I feel terrible! You could have been damaged so badly, there'd be no choice but to deactivate you!" You slammed your fist against empty table next to him as tears started to form around your eyes.

"Sweetheart...calm down...I promise I'll be ok." Quick Man started to gain a little more strength.

"I'm sorry..." You said, and then you give him a kiss on his cheek, careful not to hurt him.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. I got so ahead of myself that I messed up." Quick Man smiled at you to cheer you up.

You wipe your tears away from your eyes and smile back. You grab the warmest, coziest and fluffiest blanket and cover Quick Man with it.

"Take a rest, Quick. Save your energy." You say.

"You're the best." A smirk formed his lips, and then he turned his head to the side and went offline.

Since then, you've never left the robot repair, waiting for Quick Man to get his replacement parts. You've been right next to him, day and night.

Roll came rushing in the room you were in with a happy expression on her face.

"Great news, we had your replacement parts shipped early, so now they're here!" Roll said.

"Really?!?" Quick Man jerked up to sit upright, but it only caused him pain, so he settled back down into his regular position.

"Yep, they're going to repair you right now!" Roll replied.

"That's great news! I'll wait for you, Quick." You kiss him on the forehead and head out the door with Roll so he could be properly repaired.

In the waiting room, Turbo Man, Top Man, Nitro Man and Charge Man came in.

"We heard about Quick Man." Turbo Man explained.

"What a relief... I hope he comes out ok..." Top Man had a worried smile on his face.

"He's our racing partner. We hope he's ok." Nitro Man said.

"Yeah, he got hurt even worse than I thought..." Charge Man said.

"So, we're giving you this so you can give it to him." Turbo Man pulled out the golden trophy that was the prize for the race.

"You guys...!" Tears of joy started forming around your eyes.

"He was the closest to the finish line anyways." Charge Man said.

"Just give it to him. He's tried his hardest so he could win the race, but such a misfortune didn't allow him. He deserves it." Turbo Man explained.

"He's the quickest robot I know!" Top Man said.

"Thank you...Thank you very much!" You take the trophy, and the others leave, but they all flash you a thumbs up.



Quick Man walked out the door, stretching and yawning.

"Quick Man!" You rush over to him and hug him.

"Hey, sorry for giving you a scare." He said, hugging you back and kissing you on the forehead.

"It's ok Quick. As long as you're alright...! Oh, Turbo Man and the other racers wanted to give you something." You pull out the trophy and hand it to Quick Man.

"Woah, the trophy?! Aww, those guys are awesome. But hey, I've got something to give to you." Quick Man said.

"What is it?" You ask confusedly.

Quick Man pulls out a trophy of his own, and hands it to you.

"A trophy?!?" You say excitedly.

"It's engraved to you." Quick Man said, pointing to the bottom of the trophy.

To the best and most sweetest girl I know


"Aww, Quick Man, you shouldn't have!" You reach up to him and kiss him on the lips, in which he gladly returned.

"I'm gonna lay off the racing for a while. But then I'm gonna win every trophy for you!" Quick Man triumphantly smiled.

You smiled at the fact you had your Quick Man back. He kissed him again.

"Race ya!" Quick Man started jogging toward the sunset.

"Hey! You said you were gonna lay off the racing!" You reply, running after him.

"I already did!" Quick Man joked

He let you catch up to him and held your hand, so the two of you would walk together back home.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant