Clowning Around (Clown Man x Reader)

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You were walking through streets in the foggy weather.  You were having a bad day, so you walked alone. The street lights were the only things you could see in the fog, but something jumped right in front of you.

"Clown Man! Don't scare me like that!!" You snapped at him.

Clown Man, holding his sides, laughing hysterically.

"Ha ha, I got you good!" Clown Man said between his laughter.

"It wasn't funny! You scared me!" You yelled.

He suddenly appeared beside you, making you jump again.

"Aww, did I make you upset?" Clown Man teased, laughing again.

You gave him an angry look, then you started to walk again. He started to run towards you, his long arms dragging behind him, but then he tripped over them and fell over.

You tried your best to keep your laughter from erupting, but you couldn't, and soon you were laughing hysterically.

"Ha! Made you laugh!" Clown Man pointed at you.

"I guess you did." You said, smiling.

"It's what I do!" Clown Man replied, jumping on a tree branch and swinging around it.

You laughed at his crazy antics. He sure did make you feel better.

"Hey, Clown Man, what are you doing here anyways...?" You ask.

Clown Man stops what he's doing and looks at you seriously.

"...The amusement park I was working in....they shut it down..." Clown Man looked at the ground.

"Oh... Um... I'm really sorry." You say.

Clown Man suddenly turns happy.

"But I've still got my charisma!" Clown Man jumped up happily.

You smiled at the fact he's happy again.

"Oh, hey! I remember that there's a circus opening up around here. Maybe you could work there!" You said.

Clown Man happily jumped up again.

"Really?! That's where I need to be!" Clown Man shakes your hand and runs off into the fog.

You stare at him until he's out of sight. You shrug and continue on walking.


A few days have passed. The weather was now sunny and warm. You were walking to that new circus that you mentioned to Clown Man. You just wanted to see how he was doing.

At the circus, there were animal tamers, magicians, acrobats, and of course, there was Clown Man.

You watched Clown Man do his tricks, do the trapeze, and eventually throw a pie in someone's face. The crown laughed and so did you.


After the show, Clown Man was on the trapeze, and then he landed right in front of you, making you jump.

"Ha ha! That never gets old!" He said.

You couldn't help yourself but to smile.

"Oh yeah! Hold on a second." Clown Man turns around.

He doesn't let you see what he's doing, but then he turned around and showed you a rose made out of balloons!

He gave it to you, and you started to blush. You gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh! Heh... Thanks for that!" Clown Man turned even redder than you.

And from that day forward, you always went to the circus to watch Clown Man do his tricks.

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