King x Reader

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(Don't take what King says about humans literally lol)

You awoke, tired and almost out of energy. You weren't supposed to wake up though. You lifted your body off the ground, your arms trembling. As soon as you drag yourself to the nearest tree, you vent and try to take a rest.

"What happened to me..?"

Everything was so unclear. What happened to you? Why were you in this condition? Nothing could be answered at the moment.

Then, you realized that you didn't have enough energy to remember anything, so you decided to go offline and take a rest.


"W-what..? Where am I?" You woke up in a strange place. It seemed like the inside of a castle.

There were a few robot masters in front of you. Eight to be exact. One of them offered to help you off the ground. All the robot masters seemed nice. But you were still a little frightened.

One of the robots helped you walk you over to the other end of the hallway, followed by the rest. They stopped when they were near a large door,  When the door opened, revealing a tall, yellow-armored robot with a cape swaying behind him.

"I am King." King took a bow in front of you as he addressed himself.

He reached out his hand held onto ours. With the other hand he supported you since you couldn't walk very well. He led you into another room which seemed like a repair room.

"Are you fully energized?" King said.

"N-not really." You rubbed the side of your head.

"Here." King hands you a large E-Tank.

"Thank you."

You drink the E-Tank, and it fully energized you.

"Can you remember anything?" King asked you.

"..." You tried to remember.

Then it all hit you.

Tears started to form around your eyes. You look up at King.

"They...abandoned me! They left me to die on my own...." You said, tears streaming down your face.

King sighed sadly and wiped the tears off your face.

"Pathetic humans... Leaving perfectly good robots to waste..." King mumbled to himself.

"We should live in a world without humans... A place where we robots are the superior race!" King said.

"B..but without humans, we wouldn't exist..." You choked out.

"But without humans, you will never be abandoned again." King said.

It was true. The humans did abandon you after all... So you decided you'd stay with King.

"King... I'll stay with you." You said with a little sadness.

"That's the spirit. Now, I'm going to repair you to new condition." King said, resting you on the repair table.

"Alright.." You went into offline mode and let him repair you.


Once you awoke, you felt as good as new. There was a E-Tank beside you, and you drank it and left the repair room. Once you went into a room that looked like a throne room, King was waiting for you.

"I see you have woken up..." King walked towards you.

"Yeah, thanks for the repair! I feel so much better now." You thank King.

"I'd like to give you something."

King went behind his throne and took out a crown. He then walked over to you and placed it on your head. He then lowered his head to kiss you properly.

"If we're going to rule a human-free world, I'm going to need a queen." King smiled.

Your eyes lit up with joy as you hug him, and agree to never leave his side.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now