Love is a Treasure (Pharaoh Man x Reader)

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"Bright Man!"

"I'm on it!"

Suddenly, the room became lit up, and now you and the others could see each other and the room you are in.

"Thanks, now we continue this exploration!" Pharaoh Man said, going deeper into a tomb.

You, Pharaoh Man, Bright Man, and Drill Man went into a newly discovered tomb to find what treasures where hidden inside.

"Stop here." Pharaoh Man held his hand to the side, blocking movement from you and the other robot masters.

He then looked at the wall to the left to him and started to run his hands through the crumbled bricks, until he stopped at a certain one, and pushed it, causing the earth to rumble a little.

"Is that good?" Drill Man said.

"Yes. That certain brick stopped the floor in front of us from collapsing if we stepped on it." Pharaoh Man explained.

Bright Man was awed by the tomb. You were a little surprised too.

"Woah, Pharaoh Man, how do you know this stuff? I don't think anyone, even as smart as Time Man, would figure that out!" You said with amazement.

"W-Well...It's in m-my programming...!" Pharaoh Man blushed and rubbed the back of his helmet.

Drill Man and Bright Man noticed Pharaoh Man's stuttering, but shrugged it off.

You and the others proceed deeper into the tomb.

But then, a lot of serpents came out of the cracks in the walls and started to hiss and threaten you and the others. And when you thought no more snakes would come out, 10 more would.

"Oh no! They're going to suck the oil right out of us!" Bright Man exclaimed.

"No, I got this!" You stepped in front of them and made a hissing noise.

The snakes immediately stopped hissing and returned back into their holes. The other Robots were surprised.

"I didn't know you were half SNAKE!" Drill Man said surprised.

"Please don't suck the oil out of me!" Bright Man said in a squeaky voice.

"W-Woah..." Pharaoh Man looked at you.

"Woah guys, calm down. Snake Man taught me how to communicate with snakes in case I wanted to help him prank Gemini Man or something." You said.

"Oh... Ok!" Bright Man said.

"I guess you were right, Pharaoh Man, it was a great idea to bring her along." Drill Man said.

"W-Well then I guess we should continue!" Pharaoh Man walked forward.

"Here it is, the treasure room." Pharaoh Man said, passing through a room into another filled with treasure.

"Woah Cool!" You and Bright Man said at the same time.

"Careful, there's a curse here." Pharaoh Man warned.

That caught all Bright Man, Drill Man and your attention.

"What's the curse..?" Bright Man said.

"Tell us." Drill Man had a worried tone in his voice.

"If you touch that statue, Then everyone will experience one random, intense emotion."Pharaoh Man explained, pointing to a large golden statue of a cat.

"...Oh NO!" Bright Man gasped.

"WHAT?!?" The rest of the robot masters were worried.

"Look!" Bright Man pointed to that very Cat statue, and a tiny snake was extremely close to it.

"(Y-Y/N)! Do something!" Pharaoh Man said.

You started making hissing noises, trying to make the snake understand that the statue is cursed. It understood, and started to slither away, but an extremely small percentage of the snake's tail touched it, and that was enough to activate the curse.

The statue glowed, and then shot a dark pulse through the room. At first, nothing happened, but then Bright Man started acting up.

"...This gold...this room...this PLACE! It's making me so... ANGRY!!" Bright Man started shouting angrily, kicking pieces of gold across the tomb and punching the walls.

"...BRIGHT MAN! STOP! You're making me cry!" Drill Man started to cry in the corner.

"Woah, look at that! That's so cool! Is that a cat? Is that a cat over there? That's neat!" You started to be amazed by everything.

Pharaoh Man seemed unaffected by the curse, trying to climb the golden cat statue, and eventually hitting a large blue gem on the statue's head, lifting the curse.

You immediately snapped out of it. You realized what has happened and then you rush to Pharaoh Man and hug him.

"Thank you, Pharaoh!" You said.

"Y-you're welcome..." Pharaoh Man started to stutter again, blushing deeply.

"But wait, I think you're under the curse now... You keep acting nervous." You point out.

"I'm not u-under the curse... It's j-just that I'm shy around beautiful women..." Pharaoh Man confessed.

"...You think I'm beautiful?" You look into Pharaoh Man's eyes.

"Of course I do." Pharaoh Man said.

You jump up and manage to land a kiss on his cheek. Bright Man started cheering and Drill Man was still at the corner.

"Stop it you two, you're making me cry!" Drill Man said.

"We aren't cursed anymore, Drill." Bright Man said.

"I know, but it's just so beautiful!" Drill Man started to tear up.

"Oh, brother." Bright Man rolled his eyes.

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