Shooting Stars (Star Man x Reader)

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One peaceful morning, you woke up tired, even though you had a good recharge.

You lazily walked down the stairs from your house, careful not to trip. You had your daily drink-an-E-tank-and-head-out-your-door routine. But this time, it was a little different. You saw a vase, filled with bright, lively roses on your doorstep.

"Oh. I wonder who sent these." You said sarcastically with a smile.

There was a little notecard tucked into the roses. You picked it up and started to read it.

Dear (Y/n),

I was hoping if maybe you'd like to accompany me to the meteor shower later today. I've been looking very forward for this particular day. I hope you can make it.

Best wishes,

Star Man

"I better not let him down." You whisper to yourself.

After all, he is your best friend. You never let your friends down. You decided you'd spend the rest of your morning simply just staying at home.


When the time came, you got dressed and were about to leave, but you thought about bringing an E-Tank for you and Star, but you decided not to.

You ran as fast as you could to the park, where you pinpointed Star Man on your internal radar you had built in.

"Star Man!! Hey, I'm here!" You shouted from a distance, though he still heard and noticed you.

Star Man waved back, waiting for you to arrive.

"Hey, I picked us a good spot." Star Man said, moving himself so you could sit next to him.

"Cool! When's it gonna start?" You sit down on the grass besides Star.

"According to me, about 12 seconds." Star Man smiled as he turned to look at the sky.


The sky filled with beautiful streaks of light. The meteor shower was amazing!

"This is so beautiful!" You say.

"Speaking about beauty, your eyes are just as beautiful." Star Man said.

He stood up and knelt down in front of you and held the most prettiest rose you ever saw, and offered it to you.

"If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand. Will you go out with me?"

"Of course!"

You jump up happily and embraced him. It wasn't long before he kissed you gently, but passionately.

He pulled away and hugged you once again as you started to fall asleep in his arms under the starlight.

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