Skull Man x Reader

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At Dr. Cossack's Laboratory, You shivered at the fact that Skull Man was right next to you. You were always a little frightened of him, because he was always quiet and serious, and that he is a walking skeleton robot, which gave you chills. After he finished his halfhearted conversation with Ring Man, he nearly bumped into you, in which you reacted with a flinch.

"Hey. You alright?" Skull Man said. His voice was quiet, but deep.

You coughed to divert your fear away. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine..." You replied.

Skull Man awkwardly looked at the floor. He didn't know how to operate in situations that involved other people's feelings, but he looked straight into your eyes after he figured something out.

"...Do I scare you?" Skull Man said with a worried tone.

"N-no it's okay!" You said. You didn't want to hurt his feelings. That is, if he had any.

He stepped forward to prove your words, but your fear of him forced you to give up.

"I'm sorry Skull Man, but you do frighten me." You replied with a sigh.

"I knew it. I'm sorry. I'll leave." Skull Man apologized. He walked to his room without looking back.

You stared at him until he was completely out of your sight. You sighed again and stared at the ceiling. Why'd you have to be be so afraid? He's practically harmless with you. Though, his macabre appearance made you shiver.


Throughout the week, you never saw the sight of Skull Man. You were feeling a mixture of relief and concern. Where has he been?

"Pharaoh Man, Have you seen Skull Man around? I haven't seen even a glimpse of him this week." You asked.

"What are you talking about? I see him almost anywhere I go." Pharaoh Man looked confusedly at you.

"Alright...thank you Pharaoh." You waved goodbye and thought about Skull Man as you headed outside near a cave. You liked hanging around in the cave. It wasn't to dark, nor to bright. You rested your armored back on the rocky wall behind you.

I guess he doesn't want to frighten me again. You thought. You started to feel sorry for him. But at that very moment, you noticed that there was something else in the cave. You turned your head, only to stare at the eyes of a brown bear. It roared loudly and stood up tall to frighten you, and sure enough, it did. There was no way to escape. It was blocking the exit, and hurting it would make Wood Man enraged if he found out. You prepared yourself for the bear's claws to shred your armor, but something else came upon you and carried you out of the cave when the beat was distracted with swinging it's paw at you, and then the mysterious figure carried you far into the forest.

You open yours eyes and see yourself in the arms of Skull Man! You yelped of fear and pushed away from him, making him worried.

"I'm very sorry... I...just had to save you." Skull Man looked to the side in shame.

"It's okay...I should be thanking you..." You say quietly.

He couldn't suppress himself any longer. He ran up to you and hugged you, and refused to let you go, no matter how many times you pushed away from him.

"Please don't." Skull Man whispered to you. He was trying to show affection. He held you tougher, and eventually you stopped pushing.

"Skull Man..." You said with concern.

"I love you. I don't want you to be afraid of me." Skull Man confessed.

You look at him with surprise. You noticed that Skull Man isn't scary when he's showing affection. He just wants you and him to be together, but your fear of him has prevented it.

"Skull Man, I didn't know..." You felt ashamed. He loved you, but you feared him. What kind of emotions did he feel?

You did the unthinkable. You returned his hug, and give him an kiss on his cheek. Skull Man's eyes widened with surprise.

"You love me back? But how?" Skull Man said.

"I'm not scared of you anymore. I know now that you'd never try to hurt me. I've got nothing to fear." You said.

Skull Man's eyes lit up with joy, something rare for the other Robot Masters to see. He let you go and held your hand as the two walked home, even in the blackness of night. You shivered as you felt the midnight wind hit your armor. Skull Man gladly offered warmth by hugging you again, this time, without you flinching.

(Whenever I write stories very late at night I write them differently than how I write in the day. I have no idea why. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed it!)

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now