Magnetic Attraction (Magnet Man x Reader)

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It was a quiet afternoon in Dr. Wily's Fortress. You were chilling on the couch with the "3rd Generation" of Robot Masters. Only one robot wasn't present, and it was Magnet Man.

"Toppy, have you seen Magnet?" You ask.

He shook his head. "He's been locked in his room for the past two days!" Top Man exclaimed.

"I wonder what's gotten into him..." Said Hard Man.

"Ah, it's just because that Light 'bot Roll completely rejected Magnet." Gemini Man explained.

"I heard her brother Mega Man got all overprotective, too. Ssssuch a sssshame." Snake Man hissed.

"Poor Magnet!" Said Spark Man.

"Oh wow, Magnet must be having a hard time." You said.

"I really do worry for him." Shadow Man said.

"Well, I'm gonna go check up on him." You stood up and walked over to Magnet Man's room.

Surprisingly, it was unlocked. So you turned the knob on his door and peeked inside. His room was an absolute mess. Not to mention his bed, in which he was just lying there with tons of pillows and blankets pilled up on him.


He didn't reply, but only emitted a muffled groan. Seeing him in this condition made you feel terrible.You stepped into his room and carefully tiptoed around his room and sat down on his bed. You placed a hand on the back of his armor, stroking him a little in hopes of comforting him.He opened his eyes slightly, but was then he became wide-eyed when he noticed you were in his room. He slowly lifted himself until he was sitting next to you.

"I... didn't notice you come in." Magnet Man said.

"Sorry, but I had to come in to comfort you." You said, placing your hand on his back again.

"Why bother..." He said, looking away.

"Because I care about you. Your brothers care about you. Please, Magnet. Don't feel bad. I hate to see you this way." You said as you hugged him.He closed his eyes and sighed, then he returned the hug.

"Alright." Magnet stood up and began to slowly walk outside his room, in where you followed behind him. As soon as he walked out, he was greeted and comforted by his brothers.

"C'mon Magnet, there's plenty of fish in the sea." Top Man said, handing an E-tank to him.Magnet Man took a long sip and sighed. "I guess you're right. I shouldn't get too emotional about it. Thank you all." Magnet Man finally smiled brightly behind his mask.------------

When evening came, you were helping Magnet Man was clean up his room.

"Where do you want me to put this?" You asked, holding a cardboard box filled with E-Tanks.

"Oh, just put them over there. Also, I'd like to say thanks." Magnet Man said, blushing a little.

"Heh, no problem. Anything to help you out." You said, smiling brightly.

"Y'know, you're really sweet." Magnet Man said hesitantly.

"Aw, thank you Magnet. Anything to make you better." You said, smiling bigger and blushing a little.

After you finished cleaning up, Magnet Man offered you an E-Tank before you left. You gladly took it

and gave Magnet a little hug right before you left.

-----{Few days later}-----

You woke up, feeling bright and energized. You walked out your room, and since it was a little to early for anyone else to be awake. You decided to head out and walk outside for a second. Once you got out, another robot was right behind you.

"Oh! Gemini, I didn't see you there. What are you doing here anyways...?" You asked.

"I just came out to talk to you about Magnet." He said.

"What about him?"

"You see, I've noticed that he recently had, well, feelings towards you,"

"Feelings? What do you mean?" You asked confusedly.

"Oblivious, are we? Well, what I meant was that-"

"Magnet's got a crush on you!" Gemini Man's clone said as it unexpectedly jumped out.

"Yeah, what I said." Gemini Man smirked.

"A crush..?!"

"Yep. Whenever someone mentions your name around him he starts to blush and get nervous. After all, you did help him get over his heartbreak." Said Gemini.

"I did...I really didn't think he'd fall for me though..." You said.

"Hm. You better head back. Magnet will get worried sick if you don't return soon. Teased Gemini.

"S-Shut up!" You playfully punched Gemini in the shoulder before you headed back to the fortress.

---------Once you got back, you headed straight to your room. You were tired, so you immediately threw yourself onto your bed, but a few seconds later, there was a knock at your door. You stood up and opened the door, revealing Magnet Man outside.

"Heya, (Y/n).... Can I come in?"

"Oh, sure thing!"

Magnet Man came into your room, holding his hands behind his back, as if he was hiding something.

"I...just wanted to talk to you about something." He said shyly.It's like what Gemini Man said. He was acting nervous around you.


Magnet Man revealed his hands, in where he was holding a bouquet of roses.

"I...I can't resist you. I am a magnet after all. Well... You could say I'm attracted to you. I..want to go out with you." Magnet Man's face flushed as he nervously looked into your eyes, he looked as if he were afraid.

"Of course I'll go out with you, Magnet!" You said. You ran straight into his arms and hugged him. He hugged you back tightly. After a while, he broke down and started to cry.

"M-Magnet? What's wrong?!" You said with concern.

"I-I'm sorry I just...I was just so afraid you were going to reject me...Forgive me." He said, wiping his tears away.

"Aw, I would never reject you. I can't bear to see you depressed. I want to see you happy. I love you, Magnet." You gave Magnet a long kiss on the cheek. He proceeded to hug you again.

"Thank you."

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now