Heating Up (Heat Man x Reader)

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"Hey, it's super hot out today...." You say.

"It's not that hot." Heat Man replies.

"Easy for you to say. You're heat resistant." You tease as you pull down his lid shut.

"H-Hey!" Heat Man says, pulling his lid back up.

When he sees you laughing, he can't help but to laugh too. He usually doesn't tolerate other robot masters slamming his lid shut on accident, or even as a joke, but he'd always let you. He didn't even seemed to be annoyed by it. He felt great whenever he saw you happy.

"You're so cute, Heat Man." You say, poking his cheek.

Heat Man blushed at hearing your words. He pulled down his lid to hide his face.

"I-I'm not cute!" Heat Man says under his lid, hiding his crimson red blush.

"You're right." You say.

Heat Man peeks out of his lid.

"You're adorable!" You say, laughing hysterically.

Heat Man slams his lid shut again. Your sides start to hurt from hysterically laughing. When you calm down, you see Heat Man with a embarrassed smile.

Similar with the lid slamming, he doesn't like it when other robot masters tease him of his appearance or his abilities, but you were an exception. You started to ask yourself why. You were his best friend after all, you two would do everything together.

Suddenly, it started to rain.

"Oh no, with all the humidity, the rain will turn into a storm. We've better get to shelter." You said.

"Okay, let's go!" Heat Man says.

He gets up and you follow his lead. It was starting to rain even harder, to the point that you couldn't see three inches ahead of you.

"Heat Man, are you there?" You say through the loud storm.

"I think so..." You hear.

You look to your right and see a yellowish figure, you recognize it as Heat Man, though you could barely see him.

You hold out your hand and try to reach for Heat Man's.

"That way, we won't get separated." You say as you hold Heat Man's hand.

"O-Oh, ok! Great idea!" Heat Man says.


The storm didn't calm down. You and Heat Man had to take shelter in a small cave. Heat Man was trembling a lot.

"Heat Man, what's wrong?" You ask with concern.

"I think I have gotten a little wet... I can't start a fire to warm us up...." Heat Man says weakly.

You think hard, trying to find a way to make him able to heat up again, when you remembered what happened earlier today.

"Heat Man... Can I try something...?" You ask, a little shy.

"Um, sure." Heat Man says a little confused.

You scoot closer to Heat Man, and with one hand you lift up his lid all the way up.

"W-What are you going to do?" Heat Man asks, now extremely confused.

"Something." You reply, looking into his bright green eyes.

You lean closer to Heat Man, until your lips brushed against his. He starts to blush madly. You then start to kiss him gently but sweetly.

When he pulls away, his whole face is red.

"I...um....w-wow...that...did it suddenly get hot, or is it just me?" Heat Man said, completely embarrassed.

Heat Man's body started to get warm, and you hugged him for warmth.

"Wait, did you kiss me to make me heat up?" Heat Man said.

"There are other reasons." You replied with a smile.

"Heh... To tell the truth, I really wanted that to happen, well... because... I've always had a crush on you." Heat Man says shyly, but with a smile.

"C-Can I try that again...?" Heat Man asks.

"You don't have to ask!" You reply.

He leans closer to you and closes his eyes, but then you playfully slam his lid on him.

"A-Again?!" Heat Man says.

You start to laugh the same as before, when Heat Man brings up his lid, he sees you laughing and starts to laugh too. You hug him again as he kisses you on the cheek.

Now all you had to do is wait until the storm goes away. At least you have some heat to keep you warm.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now