Cutting Edge Crush (Cut Man X Reader)

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You sitting on the park bench, just enjoying the beautiful weather, when Oil Man appeared.

"Yo! (Y/N)! You wanna join me and the others? We're havin' a barbecue party at the other side of the park. Fire Man's cookin'" he says, motioning towards the party.

"Alright Oil Man, count me in!" You said excitedly, jumping off the bench.

"Great! Let's go!" He says, and you start to follow him.

When you got there, you were greeted by all the first Robot Masters, excluding Time Man, who was irritated by having a day off.

"We're here! Oh, don't mind Time, he's just havin' a bad day." Oil Man points out.

"I think he's workaholic" Oil secretly  whispers to you.

Time Man still hears what Oil Man said.

"Idiot..." Time Man says under his breath.

Time man goes over to properly greet you, but is interrupted by the sound of something falling. It was Cut Man, who fell off a tree!

"Oh no, Katto!" You said, running over to him.

"Ouch.... Oh, hey (Y/N)! I.....see you used my nickname..." Cut Man said, embarrassed.

"I like calling you by your nickname, Katto." You said sweetly while helping him up."

"I guess you can say.... It's the cutting edge!" He jokes.

You giggle at his pun. He was filled with them.

"Heya fellas! The hamburgers are ready!" Fire Man said in his southern accent.

"Alright Fire Man, be there in a sec!" You said. "Come on, Cut Man! Let's go!"

"Ok, sweetheart! OH! Um... I mean... (Y/N)!" He said with a crimson-red blush on his face.

You just smiled at him, blushing a little.

You enjoyed your hamburger, and so did the others.

"That was great!" You say.

"It's sharp in taste!" Cut Man jokes.

You can't help yourself but to laugh.

Time Man and Bomb man roll their eyes

"Well.. Thanks fellas!" Fire Man says, but suddenly, the grill explodes! You were the closest to the grill, so Cut Man ran to save you.

"Don't worry! I'll save you!" Cut Man yells, he jumps right in front of you, taking all of the pain from the fire!

"Ice Man! Put it out!" Elec Man tells Ice Man.

Ice Man blows cold air, turning into ice, with in contact with the fire, melts into water and puts out the fire and Cut Man.

"Oh no.. Are you okay?" You say as you hug his damaged and weak body.

"I'm..(cough) fine..." He says weakly.

"Should we help?" Guts Man whispers.

"Nah, Cut Man's had a crush on her for a long time. I think this is his opportunity." Oil Man replies quietly.

"Cut Man... You're not ok.." You say sadly.

"I guess that...really dulled my cutter."

You wipe the ashes off his face and kiss him sweetly. Suddenly he gets up.

"Look guys! I'm all ok!" Cut Man says to the other robot masters.

All the other robot masters smile, even Time Man!

"I SHIP IT!" Oil man says as he stands on the table and starts clapping.

"Get down, you lunatic!" Time Man says, pulling on Oil Man's scarf to make him sit down.

You just laugh, smile and kiss Cut Man again.

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