Mercury x Reader

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"Whatever Saturn. Why don't you go talk to Ring Man? That's all you ever revolve around. Rings, rings, and more rings." Mercury said rudely.

"You're so sharp-tongued, you green blob of slime." Saturn replied.

"What's going on, guys?" You say as you walk in.

At your sight, Mercury suddenly smiled and turned so nice.

"Oh, it's nothing! You shouldn't worry about it! The only thing you should worry about is how dangerously gorgeous you look!" Mercury said with a smile.

"T-Thank you, Mercury. You're too kind." You say as you blush.

Saturn suspiciously looks at Mercury and smiles devilishly.

"(Y/n)! I think Mercury lov-"

Mercury suddenly slaps Saturn so hard, he falls over and his face looks bruised.

You are surprised by Mercury's actions.

"Excuse me for a second while I have a talk with Saturn, sweetheart." Mercury says, flashing a smile.

Mercury drags the fallen Saturn into his room and closes the door.

"You jerk! What are you doing?!?!" Mercury yells to Saturn.

"Did you hear yourself talk? You're too loose-tongued. She'd find out eventually." Saturn explains.

"I can't help it! But also, you got to respect that, not just blurt it out like the daily news!" Mercury threatened.

"Alright, it won't happen again." Saturn says.

"You're still a jerk to me." Mercury tells him, opening the door so he could get out.

As Mercury leaves his room, he holds your hand and smiles sweetly.

"Sorry for that, my darling."

"Oh, um.. It's ok, Mercury."

Out of nowhere, Saturn appears behind Mercury.


Mercury was lucky the other Stardroids weren't here at the time.

"I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU, SATURN!" Mercury yelled, grabbing Saturn's neck.

You tried pulling Mercury off of Saturn, but Mercury wouldn't let go. You managed to get him off by kissing him, letting him hit the ground, you on top of him.

Saturn gets up and runs to the hallway and wolf whistles, then starts to run away again.

Mercury pulls away to get ready to hunt Saturn down, but you kiss Mercury again, making him calm down.

"Don't listen to him." You say.

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