Rock x Reader (Valentine's day special)

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"These look nice!" Cut Man held up a bouquet of bright red roses, showing them to Rock.

"That's a bit too cliché, don't you think?" Rock said.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point.."

Cut Man was helping Rock with finding a Valentine's Day present for his crush, which so happens to be you.

"Finding a good gift is hard." Sighed Rock.

"Just get her a stuffed animal or something..!" Cut Man suggested. "Something like this!" He held up a plush puppy, holding a heart in its mouth with the words "I love you" sewed onto the fabric.

"Ah, that's perfect!" Rock said. "C'mon, lets go pay."


"Alright Rock, it's time for you to confess!" Cut Man said cheerily.

"Yeah, uh... I don't think I can do it..." He looked down at the floor embarrassedly.

"Yes you can! I know you can do it. Just go up to her and ask her out!"

"I'll try!" Rock stood up and left the room, holding the stuffed animal. He walked slowly, blushing at the thought of handing over the gift, until Roll stopped him.

"Hey Rock! Whatcha got there?" She asked.

"O-Oh, it's just a gift..." He said embarrassedly.

"Is it a Valentine's Day gift? Ahah! I know exactly who it's for." She teased.

"Please don't tell!" Rock pleaded.

"I won't tell her, but you will." Roll pushed rock a bit to walk forward.

"Alright. I can do this." Rock said to himself. He continued to walk towards you.

"Oh, hey Rockman!" You said happily. You then noticed his expression.

"You seem a bit nervous, is everything all right?" You asked.

"Yeah well, I just need to tell you something." He replied anxiously.

"Lemme here it."

"It's just that..... Well... You see...."

As Oil Man was passing by, he knew what Rock was trying to say.

"Yo, (Y/n), Rock here has a crush on ya." He said as he passed by.

"H-He's right." Rock then revealed the plush he had bought for you.

"Aw, Thank you Rockman! I love it!" You said, hugging the plush.

"Will you go out with me?" He said, with a hint of confidence.

"Of course, Rock. Happy Valentine's Day." You said, kissing his cheek while hugging him.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too."

(Sorry if it's short, y'all. I'm just running out of ideas ;-;)

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