Midnight Blues (Proto Man x Reader)

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(Side note: it's longer than usual by a lot, but on other terms, enjoy the story.)

"Wait, you have a brother?" You say in astonishment.

You never new Mega Man had brother. You thought that Roll was his only sibling.

"Yeah, I do." He says while he rubs the back of his neck.

"What happened to him...?" You ask.

"I don't know. Dr. Light hasn't told me much about him."

"Oh. I didn't know. At first, I thought the other robots were your brothers." You say.

"...Cut Man and the others?" Oh, they're like brothers to me. But Dr. Light said that Blues and Roll are my siblings." Mega Man explained.

You look at Mega Man with a surprised expression.


"That's my brother's name... At least that's what Dr. Light told me." Mega Man said as he shrugged.

"Oh, I see..." You say quietly.

"Hey Mega! (Y/N)! The storm's about to hit soon. You guys going to come in?" You hear Roll shouting to you from Dr. Light's Laboratory.

"Okay, I'll be there!" You reply back.

You and Mega Man stand up and hurry inside, feeling light drops on your forehead. Once you got inside, it started to rain harder.

"Hey, you made it!" Cut Man says.

He and the other robot masters were sitting in the living room, in blankets and drinking their E-Tanks.

"What's going on?" You ask.

Oil Man throws you a blanket and a E-Tank.

"Elec Man says the power's gonna go out in a few minutes, so get comfortable." He says.

You sit down with them, and so does Mega Man and Roll. You managed to strike an engaging conversation with the robot masters while the power was still on. A bolt of lighting strikes, and then the power goes out. Everyone remained quiet, until Fire Man let the fire on his helmet burn, giving off enough light for the robot masters to see each other. Bomb Man started the conversation again, even through the loud claps of thunder. They would strike unexpectedly, making some of the robot masters jump a little. Including you.

The only ones who remained calm was Elec Man, who seemed to enjoy the sounds of thunder, and Time Man, who was beginning to fall asleep. You raise your head to look at the window. When a lighting bolt hit, you saw something on the hill outside the window. you managed to make out something. It looked red, with streaks of white. The next bolt came, but the figure was gone.

"....Weird." You thought.

What was it doing at that hill? Why was it watching you and the others? Why was it out on the rain? You had tons of questions, but you decided to forget about it.


The next day, Mega Man has a worried expression on his face.

"Mega Man, what's wrong?" You ask with concern.

"Dr. Wily's trying to take over the world again!" Mega Man exclaims.

"Are you going to go save the world again?" You ask.

"That's what I plan to do. I'll save the world, and bring back the robot masters that have been taken over by Dr. Wily!" Mega Man says.

You think about it.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now