Bomb Man x Reader

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(In case you've forgotten, you are a robot master yourself. Don't get confused, lol.)

"...And that's how I got this bull horn." Said Fire Man, showing off the giant bull horn he had brought.

You, Fire Man, Bomb Man and Guts Man were out camping in the woods. At the moment, Fire Man was talking about his trip to Texas.

"What are ya gonna do with it?" Asked Guts Man.

"I dunno, display it or somethin'." Said Fire Man.

"Wow, that's awesome!" You said with awe.

Bomb Man, whom was sitting next to you, elbowed you.

"You know what's cooler than horns? Bombs." He said, smiling.

"Not around me." Fire Man warned.

"C'mon, Fire Man! I won't use your head to light my fuses." Bomb man promised.

"Yeah, Fire! I won't explode on ya." Guts Man pleaded.

"...Alright. Suits me fine." Fire Man drawled.

"Alright!" Bomb Man took out one of his Hyper Bombs, passed it to Guts Man, whom hurled it up in the air, followed by a loud bang in the sky.

"Pretty." Said Guts Man.

"Well, let's get back to Light Labs, before it gets even darker."

"Yeah, ok."


While walking back to the lab, you and your squad passed by Crash Man. Bomb Man accidentally bumped into him, causing Crash Man to grow angry.

"Watch it!" Growled Crash Man.

"Sorry." Bomb Man apologized. He then said under his breath: "you didn't have to get all emotional about it.

Crash Man stopped walking and turned around with a furious expression on his face. "What did you just say...? Do you want to get beat up by me? because it sure sounds like you do."

"Shut up. You need to calm your circuits before you fry yourself." Scowled Bomb Man.

"Are you looking to fight? Well, today is not your lucky day!" Crash Man said angrily,

"It's on, no-hands."

"W-Wait guys, don't fight!" You pleaded, but it was too late. A fight already had broken out between the two. But you still tried to stop it. Fire Man and Guts Man were just watching with no intention of interfering.

Fire Man was the first to react. "Wait, your gonna get yourself hurt-"

Too late. One of the Crash Bombs exploded right next you, causing your armor to be severely damaged. You suddenly then went offline.

"Crash Man! See what you did? You jerk!"Angrily shouted Bomb Man.

"Oh, oops."

Bomb Man ran over you, checking to see if you were still conscious. Unfortunately, you were knocked down cold.


"Huh? What's going on...?" You suddenly went back online, but you felt as if your auto balance system was damaged, making you feel dizzy and light-headed.

"Don't move too much or you'll damage your inner systems!" Cried a voice behind you.

"...Bomb Man? What happened to me? I-I don't remember a thing." You asked.

"You got hit with a Crash Bomb... Dr. Light will repair you soon, just stay calm." He replied. He had a very genuinely worried look on his face.

"Is everything alright?" Asked Dr. Light, walking into the repair room.

"Yes, uh, (Y/n) just needs repairs." Bomb said nervously.

"Right. I will fix her up right away. I just need a little time."

Bomb Man did a heavy sigh of relief as you went offline and Dr. Light started repairs. He stayed and watched, nervously fidgeting his hands, which Dr. Light seemed to notice.

"Is something the matter, Bomb Man?" He asked.

"It's nothing, it's just....uh, my way of being a rad dude." Lied Bomb Man, forcing a smile.

"Oh, alright. By the way, I had just finished with these repairs. (Y/n) just needs a few seconds to reboot." If you need anything, just ask." Light said to him as he left the rooms

"Thank goodness......(Y/n), how are you feeling...?" Bomb Man asked. He was usually the carefree one, but he seemed really worried for your condition.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I feel all better now!" You said as you jumped off the repair table.

"Good, uh, because I want to tell you somethin'...." He said.

"What's up?"

"Okay so... You're really rad and cool and... uh, you." He confessed, blushing a bright red.

"D-Do you...really?"

He went up to you and kissed you on your cheek.

"I'm not kidding..!" He laughed.

You returned the kiss. He blushed brightly.

"You know what's more beautiful than bombs exploding in the sky? You."

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