Absolute Chill Chill Man x Reader

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((I want to play Smash Bros but I also want to write oneshots, but I also want to draw, but I also want to watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure! What to do...?))

Looking outside your window, it was a storm of white, which meant there was a raging blizzard outside. For you, a blizzard was just a light sprinkle of snow, since you were a Ice-type robot, built specifically for these environments.

You pushed your way outside and started hiking through the snow, but then you felt a cold breeze hit your right shoulder. It interested you, since it was difficult for you to get cold, so when you turned around you saw the gaping opening of a cave, icicles lined up in a pretty formation. Curiosity got the best of you, so you went in.

Inside, it gradually got colder and colder until you couldn't stand it anymore. As you were beginning to leave, you jumped up from the sudden noise of a icicle crashing on the ground.

"I'm sorry, did I frighten you?"

You turned around and saw a Robot Master with an ice-dome around his head. Obviously this robot was an ice-type.

"Oh, uh, it wasn't you, it was the ice that hit the floor just now." You admitted.

"I'm Chill Man, may I ask what you're doing here? It's probably awfully cold for someone like you." He said in a calm tone.

"I was just exploring. And I'm (Y/n) So what are you doing here?" You avoided looking into his eyes, since they were a piercing crimson that made you feel uncomfortable.

"I was taking photographs of this spectacular ice cave. Wanna see some of the pictures?" He smiled, waving the slips of paper around.

"Uh, sure!" You said, inching closer to him as he handed you the photographs.

Looking at them, they were all stunning and beautiful. It was obvious that he was a professional at taking photographs.

"These are all amazing! You said. Chill Man wasn't looking at the photographs, instead he kept staring at you.

"...I've noticed that you keep shivering. Perhaps you'd like to go to my place where it's warmer?" He suggested, blushing a little.

"Sure! I was getting a bit cold anyways..."

At his home, you were wrapped in a blanket with some hot chocolate that Chill Man made you.

"Enjoying the drink?" He asked as he walked into the room, with the ice around his head removed."

"I love it!" You exclaimed.

"Well, I love you." He said suddenly. He leaned to you and kissed you on your cheek.

"W-Wow... I-I love you too!!" You pulled closer to him and hugged him.

Now you wouldn't have to spend your winter-filled days by yourself.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora