Saturn x Reader

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"HACKS." Saturn yelled.

"What are you talking about?"

"There's no way that just happened." He explained.

You begged Saturn to play Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and WiiU with you, and he accepted. Little did you know that Saturn was utterly terrible at video games. Though you still enjoyed playing with him. He was playing as Charizard from Pokemon, and you were playing as Cloud from Final Fantasy.

"I launched you really far. Of course there's no way you could recover properly." You explained.

"Whatever. I'll beat you next time." He said.

"It's on."

"Prove it Saturn, you're terrible." You said with a smug on your face.

"Am not!" He replied angrily.

"Says the one who got launched at 42%." You said mockingly.

"Yeah? Well, um, I'll show you!"

Meanwhile, Terra, on the way to his headquarters, passed by the television where you and Saturn were playing.

"Excuse me, but what are you doing?" Terra asked.

"We're playing a video game." You replied.

"..........What's a video game?" Terra asked with bewilderment.

"Oh boy." You sighed.


"You get it now?"

"I think so."

You taught Terra how to play SSB4, which he was catching on pretty quickly.

"Try going against Saturn." You told Terra.

"This'll be easy." Said Saturn with confidence.

In a matter of minutes, Saturn had already been KO'd twice by Terra.

"This is more entertaining than I though." said Terra.

"This....Sucks." Saturn pouted.

"Uh, you want to take a break, Saturn?" You suggested.

"Uh, sure." He said. He left the room, leaving only you and Terra to play Smash Bros together.



"Saturn, it's midnight. Do you really want to play Smash at this time?" You said, rubbing your eyes.

"FIGHT ME." Saturn said again, holding the WiiU aggressively.

"Okay. If you say so." You yawned and got up, turning on the TV and inserting the Smash Bros disk.

"You seem pretty excited." You told him.

"Hm? Oh, it's jut because I learned a new tactic of defeating you!" He said enthusiastically.

"Let's see about that...!" You replied.

The match started, and Saturn started playing vigorously. He managed to deal quite some damage to you, though you had a better advantage.

"Shoot, I didn't launch you correctly....though you still won't be able to recover properly. It's game over for you, Saturn." You said.

"Not yet..!" He said, making his character recover, barely making the ledge.

"That was just luck, now it's time for Cloud to use limit brea-"

Before you could even finish your sentence, Saturn suddenly kissed you on the lips, distracting you into making you KO yourself, Winning the match.

"Looks like I won." Said Saturn with a smug expression on his face.

"Y-You cheated! You dork..." You said as you smiled and pulled him in for another kiss.


(I got the idea for this story from  Saturn's bad video game skills and my hype for Bayonetta in Sm4sh.)

(Hope ya liked it.)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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