Quickly Falling for You (Quick Man x Reader)

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You were taking a walk at the park, enjoying the beautiful day, when you see something on the ground. It looked really weird, so you crouched down to look at it better. Until you felt something hit your back, you look over to find Quick Man on the pavement, flat on his face. You run over to him.

"Quick Man! What happened?" You ask.

He got up, but his face was all scratched.

"I..ouch..think I tripped over you." He says in pain, touching his face.

"Wha..? You tripped over me? I didn't even see you until you fell!" You say confused.

"I was running the park when I didn't see you.. And I tripped over you." He says.

"Sorry about that..." He says with a light chuckle.

"Sorry about not bring careful, I shouldn't randomly crouch on the sidewalk, so I should be sorry to you, Quick Man." You say kindly.

"I guess we're even..." He says.

"I guess. Let's get you fixed!" You say enthusiastically, holding out your arm

"Alright." He says, grabbing your arm.

You pull him up, but then he puts his free arm around your neck, and guides your arm that he's holding onto his waist.

"What are you doing?" You ask nervously, blushing hard.

"...What? My leg hurts... I can't walk!" He says with a slight grin.

"Oh.. Um.. Ok then," you say.

You help him walk to Dr. Wily's lab, where you helped him on the repair table. Dr. Wily fixed him up, and Quick Man came out as good as new!

"Quick Man, you look great!" You say.

"I'd say the same thing to you." He tells you, poking your forehead.

You cover your face in embarrassment.

"T-Thank you.." You tell him, hiding your crimson red blush.

"No need to thank me. See you later, (Y/N)." He says before he sprints off at lightning speed.

"O-Oh.. Ok." You whisper.


The next day, you were helping save lives from an unexpected fire in a large building. You were getting people out of the building, and shielding them whenever fire jumps at them. As soon as you got the last person out, you went to recheck the building for more survivors. When you were sure you saved them all, the building started to collapse. You were on the top floor, and the exit was blocked from debris of the collapsing building. Just as the whole ceiling was breaking off and about to land in you, something came to your rescue. It was Quick Man! He'd come to get you out of the building. When he successfully made it out, he put you on the ground, wiping off the ashes on your face.

"(Cough) Thanks for that Quick Man.. I owe you one." You tell him, sitting up.

"How about you repay me with this?" He says, giving you a sweet and gentle kiss, putting his hands on your waist, while you wrap yours around his neck.

He pulls away to give you a kiss on your cheek.

"If you want more, you know who to call, sweetheart." He says with a wink, before he sprints off.

You looked up to the sky and smiled.
Whenever you need him, he'd be there quick.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now