Bubble Man x Reader

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You were having a bad day today. You were down at the lake, looking at your reflection in the water. You were playing with your necklace, which had a aquamarine stone, but you accidentally pulled on it too hard. It fell out of your reach, and plunged into the deep lake.

"Just as my day couldn't get any worse..." You mumbled to yourself.

but a few ripples appeared in the water, and then suddenly Bubble Man jumped out of the lake, startling you.

"Oh... Uh... Sorry about that.." He said through the mask covering his mouth. You recognized the aquatic robot.

"I just noticed that you look sad." He said, concerned.

"Well... Today wasn't the best day for me." You say, looking down.

Bubble Man remained silent. Then, he started to walk!

"Bubble Man! What are you doing? You can't walk on land!" You say.

He keeps walking and tripping in the funniest ways. You can't help yourself but to laugh.

Just as your sides started to hurt. Bubble Man was all roughed up, but he still looked at you happily.

"That should have cheered you up!" He says.

"You tripped and hurt yourself just to make me laugh?" You ask him.

"To tell the truth... The other Robot Masters who were built with me like to make fun of me. They laugh at my flaws and make jokes because I'm a "clumsy bubble blowing robot" but I'm just built like this. You see... I just wanted you to appreciate me.

You felt extremely bad about what has been happening to Bubble Man. After all, he is a really nice robot.

"Don't worry Bubble Man, I appreciate you." You say to him.

"Really?" He says surprised.

"Of course! I think aquatic robots are super cool!" You say to him with a smile.

His eyes light up with joy.

"Thank you... You're the first to tell me that." He says, a little embarrassed.

"You're welcome, but we should get you fixed. You're all damaged from falling." You say, grabbing his hand and pulling him to follow you.

"Oh.. Uh.. Remember? I can't really walk on land." He says sheepishly

"Well, how do you move on land?" You ask, letting go of his hand.

"I... Jump" he says, embarrassed.

"No need to be embarrassed!" You say. "I got your back!"

"Alright. Let's go." He says, showing a hint of confidence.

"That's the spirit!" You say as you smile and give him a thumbs up.


As you got to Dr Light's laboratory, he went in to get himself fixed. His scratches were covered, got polished, and repainted. When he came out, he looked liked when he was newly built!

"Bubble Man, you look awesome!" You say with amazement.

"Thanks!" He says, still a little embarrassed.

"Hey guys, look who it is!" You hear someone say.

Out of nowhere, Quick Man, Crash Man and Heat Man appeared behind you.

"It's the walking bubble wand!" Crash Man jokes.

You notice that Bubble Man is starting to lose self confidence.

"Sorry to burst your bubble!" Heat man mocks.

"I guess the only bad thing about bubbles being blown at you is the soap splashing in your eyes!" Quick Man says.

Crash Man, Quick Man, and Heat Man both start to laugh hysterically. You've seen how cruel these Robot Masters are with Bubble Man, and you seriously want to put an end to all of this, so you do something completely unexpected that caught their attention.

You pull down Bubble Man's mask and kiss him!

The three Robot Masters (and Bubble Man) were shocked by your actions. Bubble Man was the first to react. He blushed a bright red.

"Um.. I got a race with Turbo Man!" Quick Man says before teleporting away.

Heat Man and Crash Man did the same.

"Why did you... Kiss me?" Bubble Man choked out.

"Because I love you!" You tell him sweetly.

"But how could you love someone like me?" He says.

"I don't care about your flaws, I love you for who you are. I want to make you happy." You tell him.

"Then l guess I should give you this..." He says as he brings out your aquamarine necklace you dropped at the lake!

"Bubble Man! You found it! Thank you so much!" You tell him as you hug him.

"Thank you for making me a happy robot." He tells to you.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now