Copy Mega Man x Reader

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In the middle of a gloomy battlefield, you were fighting a horde of Roboenza-infected Sniper Joes, and luckily for you, you had an antivirus so you couldn't get infected, but it was still very difficult. You were on the verge of collapsing. One Sniper Joe jumped up and charged a shot, but you were too tired to even defend yourself.

"On the scene!" followed by a loud explosion was heard.

You looked up, and saw... Mega Man! He had saved you from the Sniper Joe's charged shot.

"Yo, don't you know that fighting by yourself is dangerous?" He said, turning around.

"Sorry Mega Man, but I was-" you stopped mid-sentence, realizing that Mega Man looked....different. His eyes were clouded and were a crimson red. He also wore a purple scarf, making him look a bit menacing.

"-uh, sent here to fight." You said, quietly finishing your sentence.

"You, sent here? It's just if they just want to get rid of you." He said, lifting your chin up and smiling mischievously.

"W-What are you talking about..!?" You stuttered, blushing a bright red.

"Hmph, you know exactly what I'm tryin' to say." He said, still smiling.

"I-I, uh... I'll meet you back at the lab...!" You said, teleporting out of Mega Man's grasp.


Back at the lab, you grabbed an E-Tank and sat down, sighing heavily and drinking it. What happened back there? Thinking about it only made your head hurt. Just then, Mega Man popped into your room.

"Hey, how did your mission go?" He asked.

"W-What?!? You were there! You saved me from a Sniper Joe!" You said, extremely confused.

"Huh? I was here with Roll all day! Rush had a virus that was making him upset, so I had to stay here. What are you talking about?" He said.

"B-But... I-I must be imagining things..." You said, venting and trying to calm yourself down.

"Are you alright? Are you sure your antivirus is updated?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine. I just need to relax for a while." You said, laying down.

"If you need help just tell me." He said, leaving your room.


"Hey Mega? Where are you?" You said, walking through light labs. He was nowhere.

What's wrong with Mega Man? First he was all acting all smart and cocky, but now he's sweet and normal? You kept shaking your head, walking outside, until you looked up and saw Mega Man.

No, there were two

Two Mega Mans fighting each other.


Was Gemini Man playing a huge prank on you? There would be no way there were two Mega Mans.

"(Y/n)! That me is a fake! Don't listen to anything he says!" Mega Man shouted, shooting at the other.

"(Y/n), I guess there's no point in hiding it now. I'm a copy of Mega Man, baby. But being a copy of him would make me the biggest cheat of them all!" Blocking the attack and counterattacking.

"Two...T-Two?! W-What is g-going on...?!?" You started to hyperventilate and freak out.

Copy Mega Man seemed to notice and ran to your aid, teleporting out of his fight with you.


"Hey, hey, calm down. Breathe, relax. It's alright, baby..." He said, patting your back and using his purple scarf to wipe the sweat off your face.

"You're j-just a copy?" You said quietly.

"Yeah, I am. Though I'm much better than the original...heh, enough about me. Are you alright?" He said, lifting your chin up again and looked straight into your eyes.

"Despite being a copy and all, I still have my own personality, and it's telling me that your eyes are gorgeous." He said calmly.

"I-I...thank you." You said, blushing brightly.

His hand slid up to your cheek, and with that, he kissed you on your lips, gently with passion.

"It's silly, but...with a robot like me...I love you." He confessed, smiling again.

You hugged the Copy Mega Man, in which he gladly returned the hug. "I love you too"

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now