The Future is Now (Quint x Reader)

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(A Note: this has a little Mega Man x Reader, because Quint and Mega Man are the same robot. Anyhow, enjoy this x reader!)

You were at the Chronos institute, helping Time Man work on a time machine. You were a space-time robot like him, so you had some knowledge on what to do.

"What are you doing here?" Time Man looked irritably at Roll, who was holding Tango.

"I just thought Tango would stay here for a while." Roll replied.

"This is the Chrono institute, not a daycare for pets!" Time Man curtly replied.

"I know, but we can't leave him alone in the lab while me and the other Robot Masters gone!" Roll said.

"For the last time, no!" Time Man started to get irritated.

"Please?" Roll pleaded.

Time Man couldn't handle it anymore.

"You know what, fine. Just get you and your whining out of here."

"Thank you!" Roll set Tango on the floor and bolted out the door.

Time Man turned back to you.

"The machine's almost done. I just need to make a few preparations. Do an extra job for me and make sure that feline doesn't screw anything up." Time Man said.

"Sure thing." You keep a close eye on Tango as you hand Time Man the necessary tools.

But at the blink of an eye, Tango disappeared.

"Where's Tango?!" You cry out.

"That blasted cat!" Time Man moved away from the machine to try to find Tango, only to turn around and find him on top of it!

"Get down from there!" Time Man said.

Tango was playing with the antenna on top of the machine, where he leaped up to tackle it, only to cause him to fall, pressing a button on the machine. You were the closest one there, and you were touching the machine, causing it to engulf you a purple-white light, followed by a beeping noise, then a slight zap hit you, causing you to flinch and close your eyes. But when you opened them, you weren't at the Chronos Institue anymore, you were in this other place... It seemed like it was from the future.

You saw from a distance a large building, and then someone go inside. It looked a little like Dr. Wily!

"Oh no, what's he up to?" You whisper to yourself.

You decide to tail Dr. Wily, trying to figure out what evil schemes he had planned.

You turn around the corner and start to hear two voices. Staying completely quiet, you crept around until you could get a good look on what Dr. Wily was doing.

"This plan is perfect! Using Rock to fight Rock! What could go wrong?" Wily said.

"Yes... all the preparations are complete."

You noticed that Dr. Wily was with... Dr. Wily? There were two of them! But one of them seemed older than the other, so you realized, that Dr. Wily already built a time machine before you and Time Man!

Dr. Wily showed his older self a figure covered by a dirty-yellow sheet, and then he removed it, revealing a green robot with dark green in some places. He had shades and a thick V-like shape on his helmet. Beside him was a weapon that looked like a mix between a jack hammer and a pogo stick.

"Let's give Rock new name.... How about Quint?"


The two of them do a victory dance as they start to activate Quint.

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