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It was only three days after my sweetish sixteenth birthday. So it's Saturday July 18, 2015.

Since then I've been carrying my new camera all over for a chance to take a picture for a story to be remembered.

💭The Fujifilm instax mini 8 in baby blue is flawless. 😍💎💭

I was spending the weekend with my cousin Sara and my godmother in the Bronx.

We decided to go out for some sushi.🍣

I had salmon, tuna and yellow tail rolls, which were so delicious. 😋

We were walking back to the car when Sara and my godmother pulled me into a pet store.

💭What the heck?💭

There were poles and velvet ropes, keeping the customers a reasonable distance away from the cages which held puppies that were younger than a year.

I fell in love with the Beagle right away. Beagles have this free adventurous spirit which is what I love the most.

"They're so adorable." I say as I snap a picture of the Beagle eating food. "All of them."

"Why are we here?" Sara asks my godmother. "You do know that we don't get our food for the dogs here, right?"

Sara and her mother have three chihuahuas and a pitbull. When Sara moves out, she might take one of the chichi ahead with her. I bet my godmother might get another two dogs.

"I know." My godmother said. "We're here to get Rose her birthday present."

I laugh. "Very funny titi."

When I was younger, I had a hunger of having a dog. Mom and dad had always said no because my babysitter would end up taking care of her more than I will.

"I'm serious." My godmother said. "I talked with your father and he said it's okay since his hours got later and longer."

"So you're not joking?" I ask my godmother. "This is real?"

"Your father wanted you to have some company and someone to take care of." My godmother said. "Plus a sidekick for you little photography adventures."

"Most definitely." I say. "It's fun to go on an adventure with your best friend."

"Do you know which one to choose?" An employee of the pet store asked my godmother, Sara and I.

"I saw you taking a picture of the Beagle." Sara said as she put her hand on my shoulder. "You've loved Beagles since Riker's Beagle, Maxine."

Maxine was a very adventurous dog. Riker was very adventurous. Maxine was always out in the woods until sunset and Riker's dad would always have to go into the woods to bring her back home. Sadly, Riker and his parents moved to Switzerland. They had to give Maxine away.

"I'll take the Beagle please." I say.

The employee goes behind the velvet rope and poles. He opens up the cage and takes the dog out of it.

"There's a room in the back where you can play with the dog while your godmother fills out the papers." The employee said.

"You two go with the dog." My godmother said. "I will be with you in a bit."

Sara and I go and meet my puppy in the back room in the pet store.

"She's eight months old." The employee said as he put the dog down.

I took a seat in the floor while Sara took a seat in the chair.

The beagle ran to me and hopped onto its two hind legs.

She was very playful. I loved her.

"What are you going to name her?" Sara asked me.

"Not sure." I say. "One thing for sure, this dog got some spunk."

Sara laughs.

"Roxy." I call. The Beagle comes running. Sara is shocked.

"That's her name." Sara said.

"Yep." I say. "It sure is."

"I found this bright yellow leather leash which comes with a bright yellow vest." My godmother said. "I need her name for the collar."

"Her name is Roxy." I say as I pet my new dog. Roxy wags her tail, enjoying the attention I am giving her.

Roxy yelps. It was the cutest thing.

Twenty minutes later, Roxy has her leash on as my godmother, Sara and I leave the pet store.

It was time for Roxy and I to start our first adventure.

Heading home.

That, my fellow humans of the universe, is how I got my not only best friend, but my sidekick and favorite photography adventure buddy in the world, 💜✨Roxy✨💜

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