Luna's Little Dress

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**Luna's POV**

"This is beautiful." I say to the saleswoman.

"It truly is." The saleswoman said. "I don't get anything like this until October a week before this town's homecoming season."

"Wow." I say.

"You are very lucky." The saleswoman said.

"Thank you." I say. "Let's go show the others."

**Rose's POV**

All of us gasp as Luna comes out and steps up into the stool.

💭Luna was glowing in that dress.💭

"You know me so well Lily." Luna said.

"We knew each other since before we were born." Lily said.

"That's true." Luna said. "Boy, was that a story our moms had."

"Luna, when I saw both of our dresses, I thought of our moms." Lily said. "How the both of them are angels looking down on us."

"Lily, you're my mother." Luna said. "I see her in your dress."

"You're her angel partner in crime." Lily said. "My mother."

"How did a woman so cautious get a daughter so rebellious?" Luna asks.

"How did a woman so carefree get a daughter so fragile." Lily asks.

"I don't know." Both friends say at the same time.

They chuckle.

All of us laugh.

"Now we can take the group picture." Lily said.

The saleswoman takes the group photo.

All of us go to the fitting rooms. We take off our dresses.

Lily and Hazel's grandfather comes to pay for all of the dresses.

"Thanks grandpa." Lily said.

"No problem." The grandfather said.

After that, all of us went back to Lily's to chat.

Luna and I left early to finish packing for the California trip.

When I got home I finished packing up then took Roxy for a walk.

After taking Roxy for a walk, I went to see Zander to talk with him for a bit.

"I'm going to get Luna a great birthday present." Zander said.

"You're so sweet." I say. "Good luck."

"I already know that Luna's a bit materialistic if that's what you're trying to tell me." Zander said.

I start to laugh hysterically.

Before coming home, I went to visit Elliott and his family.

I gave Leslie the Minnie ears she wanted from Disney Paris.

"It's so cute." Leslie said.

"What do you say to Rose?" Elliott asks Leslie.

"Thank you." Leslie tells me. Then she gives me a hug.

I hug Leslie back and say, "You're welcome."

Elliott grabs my arm then pulls me out to the front porch.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"I don't know." Elliott said. "I just felt like doing that."

"I'm going to California." I said. "I'm leaving on Saturday."

"Until when?" Elliott asks.

"Tuesday." I say.

Elliott sighs. Then he says, "We're going to Disney in Florida to stay at our family's time share home over there."

"Until when?" I ask.

"Saturday." Elliott sighs.

"When are you leaving?" I ask.

"Tomorrow." He mopes.

💭Great.😪 Now I have no date to Lily's party.😾 Why me?🙄 Just, why me?🙄💭

"At least I gave Leslie her gift in time for the trip." I say.

"True." Elliott said.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye again." I sulk.

"Hey." Elliott said. "You can be so negative at times." He chuckles.

"I'm not." I say.

"Come here." Elliott says. He grabs my hips and pulls me close to him. "You know that we'll FaceTime."

"True." I sigh.

Elliott kisses my forehead.

I blush.

"So cute when you're blushing." Elliott tells me as he pinches my cheek.

Then he kisses me on my lips.

The kiss was soft and gentle but it didn't seem like how he would actually kiss someone.

"See." I say. "That's not you."

"How do you know?" Elliott asks with a smirk on his face.

"You were trying to see if I noticed." I said. "And I did."

Then Elliott pulled me in for another kiss.

It was like how Hunter kissed Montie a few nights ago.

💭What does this make Elliott and I now?💭

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