My September 2nd

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After a really difficult morning with Lily.

I decided to head in home and take a breather for about an hour.


So I ended up taking a nap. I texted Elliott once I woke up from the nap, telling him to come over.

Elliott came over and I basically told him about Lily. He was so shook with the news and he understood how and why I was blubbering and tearing up while breaking the news to him.

"Wow." Elliott said. "Lily just told you all of this this morning?"

I nodded yes. Then I sniffled before saying, "She's one of my best friends."

Elliott hugs me. Then he says, "I know exactly what you need babe."

"Babe no matter what you do to cheer me up today will always be one of the most frightening days of my life." I reply.

"If you say so." Elliott shrugs. "My cousins are still in town."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah." Elliott says. "Sage and Winnie leave tomorrow."

"Wow." I said.

"Michelle and Kaylee leave the day after tomorrow." Elliott continues. "They've spent time with my brother, sister, and my parents already. I say the six of us take a day trip to New York City, get some good food, and gets lots of pictures for all of our social medias."

"Let's do it." I say. "That means we're going to be home late tonight."

"Bryant can take care of Roxy." Elliott says. "He actually volunteered to help."

"Yeah all he has to do is feed her at six and let her out in the yard before bed at nine." I said. "I'll just text my father and let him know what's going on."

"Winnie and Kaylee are going to blog the entire day." Elliott says. "I'll bring my camera and my blog camera."


Within the next half hour Elliott got his camera and Sage, Winnie, Michelle, Kaylee, Elliott, and I were on a train heading down to Grand Central Terminal in New York City.

While on the train, Elliott posted on his Snapchat that all of us are going to New York and to stay tuned in all of our stories.

"You know what we're going to do once we're in the city?" I ask Elliott.

"First thing is Shake Shack." Elliott answers me. "Then a photo shoot in terminal and Times Square."

💭The line is going to be too long if we get lunch at Shake Shack. However, the line at Shake Shack is always long.💭

"Shake Shack for lunch?" I question Elliott.

"No." Elliott responded. "Only for the shakes."

💭Then what's for lunch?💭

"Then what's for lunch?" I ask. "I'm only asking because all I had for breakfast this morning was iced coffee."

"Buffalo Wild Wings." Elliott whispers in my ear.

Honestly Buffalo Wild Wings sounded really good right now.

As soon as all six of us get off the train Elliott ran on over to Shake Shack and all five of us girls trailed on right behind him. Surprisingly there wasn't a long line at all.

Elliott got himself and I chocolate shakes got Sage a salted caramel shake, got Kaylee a strawberry shake, got Michelle a vanilla shake, and got Winnie a peanut butter shake. We only had to wait ten minutes for all of our shakes which was amazing. As soon as all six of us left Shake Shack, a long line started to form. Elliott made it just in time.

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