New Neighbors

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It's Tuesday July 28, 2015.

The Gibsons were all packed. Everything was moved to their new apartment yesterday.

It was 9:30 in the morning when the new family came with their moving truck.

Zander and I were ready.

"Zander with that peach in your hair, they're going to think that you're a fruitcake." Melissa said.

Zander had his lips in a thin line as Timonthy and I went hysterical. Mr. & Mrs. Gibson were chuckling.

"I'm being honest." Melissa said.

"Here come the Stinsons." Mrs. Gibson said.

The moving truck pulled in the driveway.

A car parks beside the lawn.

💭This is it. 💭

A man and a teenage boy came out of the truck.

💭That boy.😍💭

Mr. Stinson greets the Gibsons.

Mr. Gibson introduces Melissa, Timonthy, Zander and I.

"Rose." I say to the boy.

"Elliott." The boy said.

"Zander." Zander says.

We meet Mrs. Stinson who was six months pregnant with a girl, along with two of Elliott's two younger siblings, Bryant and Leslie.

We all decided to start with Leslie's room.

Leslie chose Nicole's old bedroom.

"Mommy I want to keep this color on the wall." Leslie said.

Everything was moved into Leslie's room in an hour.

"I love it." Leslie said as she jumps onto her bed.

"You boys have to decide who's going to take the attic and who's going to take the basement." Mr. Stinson said.

"We already decided." Bryant said.

"Bryant's taking the attic." Elliott said. "I'm taking the basement."

💭Smart kid.😏💭

Everyone moved all of Bryant's things to his room in the attic.

It took us about 90 minutes.

"The room is awesome!" Bryant shouts.

Elliott, Zander and I start to laugh.

Mrs. Gibson, Melissa and Mrs. Stinson go to the kitchen to start unpacking.

I helped Mr. Stinson unpack the study while the guys unpack Elliott's room down in the basement.

Mr. Stinson and I finished in a half hour because he didn't bring much home from his office.

Then the both of us joined Elliott, Zander, Timonthy and Mr. Gibson in Elliott's room.

"Looking good down here son." Mr. Stinson said.

💭I've never seen anything like it.💭

"You kids can take a break." Mr. Gibson said.

"Cool." Zander said.

"Let's go next door to my place." I said.

Elliott, Zander and I head over to my place to relax for a bit.

In the meantime, I check on eBay to see if anything I was selling online was sold and had to be sent out.

Nothing. People were still bidding.

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