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Melissa showed me the picture of how my hair was going to look like on the wedding day.

Zander was done taking apart the bookshelf. Him and Timonthy put all of the parts in a box and moved it to my backyard.

In the meantime, Mrs. Gibson got a phone call from the retirement settlement saying that they can start moving into their new apartment immediately.

There were still a tons of things to do.

Timonthy had to take down the bed frame.

Mr. Gibson's study has to be packed.

Both the basement and the attic have to cleaned up and out.

The kitchen and bathroom have to be packed up.

Lastly, the truck had to be picked up from the rental place.

"I love this hairstyle." I say. "I love everything you picked out."

"Seriously with this purple thing." Zander said.

"Seriously with that peach in your hair." Melissa says.

Timonthy and I laughed.

"It will be out by the wedding." Zander says. "It's just a color spray thing I do in the summer."

"At least he didn't spray his hair green." I said. "He was thinking of doing that but I talked him out of it."

"Good thing you did talk him out of it." Melissa said.

"We can move in as soon as we could." Mrs. Gibson said.

💭This was actually happening. They're moving. Where has the time gone?💭

Mr. Gibson hands Zander and I a portfolio.

"What are these for?" I ask Mr. Gibson.

"Open them and find out." Mr. Gibson said.

Zander and I open the portfolios.

"$10,000 college funds?!" Zander shouts.

I just freeze.

💭This can't be happening.💭

"You two are very good kids." Mrs. Gibson said. "We know that you're going to make a change in this world."

"So, we decided to make an investment into your futures." Mr. Gibson said. "Good investments."

💭Wow. They consider me as a good investment. I can't let them down because I know they have huge expectations for me.💭

"I have no idea what to say other than thank you so much." I say.

Zander and I give the Gibsons hugs.

"This is only the beginning of this family." Melissa said.

"That's so wonderful about it." I say.

"It's going to be so different with you guys not here." Zander said. "I'm too used to it being like this because it's how I grew up."

"We knew this time was coming." I said. "Change is happening and it is happening for the good."

"True." Mr. Gibson said. "This is not a goodbye."

"It's a see you soon." Mrs. Gibson said.

"Are you guys going to be here for he new family coming in?" Melissa asks her parents.

"Yes we are." Mr. Gibson said.

"I want you all to be there." Mrs. Gibson said.

"No problem." I said.

"Consider it done." Zander said.

"Well, there's still a ton of things to do." Mrs. Gibson said.

"Now let's get those clothes down the zip line." Timonthy said.

"You guys still have that zip line?" Melissa asks Zander and I.

"Yes and it works like a charm." Zander said.

"Now, let's get to work." I said.

💭This was actually happening. They're moving. There were a lot of things to do. Change was happening. What's wonderful about it is that this change was for the better. 💭

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