Zander Adventure

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I took this picture through my camera of my bestie Zander tying up my birthday present for me.

He got me white high top converse for my birthday.

"Thank you so much." I say to Zander.

"Anything for you, my dear bestie." Zander said. "I'm going to take you on a different adventure today, prepared to be blown away."

"If you say so." I say as I stand up on my doorstep.

Zander takes my hand and pulls me down the steps of my porch.

I trip.

Zander laughs.

"I could've hurt myself!" I yell.

Zander just continues to laugh.

I walk ahead of him.

"You don't know where we're going." Zander said.

"Let me guess." I say.

"Go ahead." Zander says as he crosses his arms across his chest.

"The boardwalk." I say. "I know because you always wear your older sister's bracelet on your right wrist and you always wear this black and white baseball tee shirt when we go to the boardwalk together."

"You have to be so smart." Zander grunts.

I laugh as Zander grabs my wrist and pulls me down the street.

"It's not my fault that I know you so well." I say.

Zander sticks out his tongue.

💭He does that when he has nothing to argue back.💭

"I win." I say.

Zander sticks out his tongue again.

💭I am on a roll.😝💭

"One thing for is that Vincent's words don't define you." Zander said.

"You're right." I say. "My words define me. No one else's words or opinions can."

"Dear Rose, you're getting over this breakup easier than I have thought." Zander said.

"Maybe I am." I say. "Let's go to boardwalk."

I link arms with my best friend as we speed our pace heading to the boardwalk.

💭I'm glad to have someone like Zander. Someone who's always there.💭

"Hey, what are you going to do with your crush on Luna?" I ask Zander.

"I'm still trying to figure out if it's true." Zander said. "I want to know of my feelings are true before going for it and leading her on."

"Just don't hurt her." I say. "She's one of my best friends."

"Not to mention, I'm going to need some luck getting her away from Lily." Zander said.

"Those two are inseparable and you know it." I say. "Those two have been together all of their lives."

💭Zander. He's a little crazy for Luna. It's cute when a guy is a little crazy about a girl.💭

"Basically they're a brunette and blond with a special bond." Zander said.

"Nice poetry." I said.

"I'm just stating facts." Zander said.

"Fair enough." I say.

Seven minutes later, Zander and I arrive at the boardwalk.

"Let go towards the beach." Zander said.

"Why?" I ask.

"You'll see." Zander said. "I'll make sure your new shoes don't get messed up by the sand."

"If you say so." I said. "You're lucky I left flip flops in this tote bag by accident."

Zander and I laugh as we keep on walking.

We just about touch the beach when Zander and I see some familiar faces.

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