Luna's Headpiece

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**Rose's POV**

It's Sunday, August 23, 2015. The day of the party. I was so excited for the party. However, I'm still conflicted with my feelings for Elliott after what had happened between him and I last night and this morning.

Thank god that I was part of the court and had to be at the party venue really early. Literally an hour and a half after having breakfast with Elliott.

I showered and got into workout clothes. My dress and shoes are already there at the venue.

I did my hair and makeup. I packed my flat iron, curling iron, makeup and a pair of black flats to match my dress. All in a backpack.

Luna texted me and told me that her father would pick me up because Hazel wanted Christopher to help out with some last minute stuff.

Luna's father came to pick me up to take me to Luna's just in time. I said goodbye to Roxy before I went off.

I had to go to Luna's to help her with headpiece. She didn't want it in the style from the picture above. So I had to go over there and fix it for Luna since I was the only one in Lily's court that knew how to do it.

When I got to Luna's I was shocked that Christopher was there. Turns out he was invited as Luna's plus one, the family was already invited. Yet Christopher doesn't really get along with Luna's stepmother.

💭That was why he moved out to live with their aunt in California for college when he turned eighteen.💭

"Christopher came yesterday morning." Luna said. "My step siblings and I spent some time with him all day."

I got to work with her headpiece while the entire family got ready for the party tonight.

When I was complete with my work, I was completely blown away with what I've done.

"Wow." I said.

"I know." Luna said.

"Luna, that was mom's." Christopher said.

"I know." Luna said. "That's why I wanted to wear it for the party."

Christopher's phone goes off.

"I'll see you two at the party." Christopher said. "I promised Lily to help Hazel check on a few things."

"Okay." Luna says.

Christopher steps out of Luna's bedroom.

"So Elliott came back yesterday." I said as I started to re curl the ends of my hair.

"Yeah and I find it weird that he didn't text me or Zander." Luna said. "He would've at least let one of us know."

I bit my lip and my face was getting warm. Meaning that I was blushing.

"It could be that he thought that I was with one of you two." I say. "He knows that at times I'm a bit nosy, thus me finding that he came back before I get the chance to see him."

"True." Luna says.

It was quiet a good minute before Luna starts up another conversation.

"What happened when you saw him?" Luna asks.

"Who?" I ask as I put the curling iron away after unplugging it from the wall.

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