Midday Snack

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**Rose's POV**

"Luna was the best surfer out of us three girls and she ended up not doing so well." I say.

"Really?" Luna says. She picks up Boone's surfboard and heads back to shore. "Try me."

Luna walks away. Boone follows.

"What just happened?" Beck asks.

"Why did you do that?" Preston asks.

"Rose and Luna always do this to each other to motivate one another to do better." Lily said. "It's no big, this happens all the time."

"Okay then." Beck says. "Let's go get fries and pizza because I'm hungry."

"We'll catch up in a second." Preston says as he puts his arm around me. "You two go ahead."


"Hi." I said.

"Hi." Preston says. "You're a good kisser, you know that."

I chuckle and shake my head no.

"Well you are and I don't know why you're denying it." Preston said.

I blush. Preston pinches my cheek.

"Let's go get food." Preston said as he took my hand.

I pulled Preston's arm as I walked to catch up with Beck and Lily.

"Turn around and smile." Preston said.

I turn around and smiled. Preston was taking one of those relationship goals pictures that you would see on Tumblr.

"They look great." Preston said. "Now I just have to edit them a bit, tag you and now our fans are going to freak out."

I laugh because I know that it's true.

Preston was one of the many people my fans have shipped me with. So was Elliott.

My fans, they have this thing where they make up rumors about who I'm dating.

When I dated Vincent, some fans supported it and others didn't.

When Vincent broke up with me, everyone knew about and blew up my phone so much that I put it on do not disturb.

"Let's just go get fries and pizza." I say.

Preston and I walk along hand in hand.

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