Country Wedding

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**Rose's POV**

That's me on the right in the pink dress.

It was the day that Ryland was waiting for. August 11, 2015. Her wedding day. We were right outside sitting on the porch.

"Adrian was confused about why you were avoiding him." I said.

"That's cute." Montie said.

"He's good for you." I say. "A lot like Joshua yet there's something more that he has."

Montie sighs.

"I didn't expect Hunter to be a blunt person." I say. "He has a soft side for you."

"That's because he likes me but wants Adrian to have me due to the fact that he is unsure about his feelings about me." Montie says. "He wants to keep our 'siblingship'."

💭Mind blown.💭

"How do you know this?" I ask. "Did he tell you?"

"No." Montie says. "He's the type to say one thing that sounds authentic and his eyes actually speak the truth."

"So what are you going to do?" I ask.

"I don't know." Montie says. "It's so complicated."

"I have to tell you something." I said. "It's about last night."

"Speak away." Montie said.

"Adrian was drunk and I was tipsy." I say.

"You. Did Not." Montie grunts as she clenches her fists.

"We. Didn't." I grunt back and holding her clenched fists that were turning white.

"Okay then, what happened?" Montie asks me.

"I was lecturing him about you." I said. "Then out of nowhere his kissed me, having the thought that he was kissing you."

Montie gasps.

"I pushed him away and told him that it was me and not you." I said. "I don't think he remembers it because he thinks he kissed you last night and not me."

"You're such a good cousin." Montie says. "You didn't kiss back."

"You're hiding something too." I assume. "No mean to assume but in this case I must. Something happened between you and Hunter."

"You're right." Montie groans. "I was tipsy too and Hunter was drunk."

"Well then." I said.

**Montie's POV**

"Well then." Rose says.

"We were outside the venue sitting at the gazebo, just talking about things and laughing for no particular reason at all." I say. "Then he just started staring at me."

"Like how buzzed people stare?" Rose asks.

"No, like how Eugene stares at Rapunzel in Tangled when the lanterns are surrounding their boat." I said.

"Goals." Rose shrieks.

"He took my hands." I said. "Hunter took out his phone and played All the Stars by Ed Sheeran."

"My goodness." Rose said.

"Let me finish." I say. I take a deep breath to sooth myself before I continue. "We slow danced until the song ended."

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