Space Mural

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Olivia, Laylal and I walk into the science classroom.

We see Victoria at work, like Robert had said just before.

"Dang." I say.

Victoria turns around and comes to greet the three of us.

"Can't believe that we're going to Paris." Victoria said.

"We're going to have so much fun." Laylal said. "Alexandra is literally working the entire time so we can do whatever."

All four of us squeal in glee.

"Finish up so we can hang." Olivia tells Victoria.

"Okay." Victoria said.

Victoria goes back to her mural.

"Sorry about Vincent, Rose." Victoria said. "If you want, I can get some people to go after him if you know what I mean."

"It's alright." I said. "The best way for him to suffer is me officially out of his life."

Olivia, Laylal and Victoria cheer.

"We might get recognized." Laylal said. "Rose mostly."

"True." Olivia said. "Rose's videos are on the Internet and get quite a few views."

I blush.

"Could you believe that we all became friends here eleven years ago in this room?" I ask. "And now that we're still that close?"

The girls nod.

"This was a dream trip of ours." Victoria said. "Now we get the chance to do it."

Layal, Olivia and I nod.

"Like I always said, nothing's impossible, they say if you dream about something more than once, it is sure to come true." I said.

Victoria finished up her mural.

"What do you guys think?" Victoria asks.

"Definitely going to have a kid go into Astrometry." Laylal said.

"True." I agree.

Robert steps into the classroom.

"Victoria, this is beautiful." Robert said. "I knew I made the right choice to having you do this."

"Stop, you're embarrassing me." Victoria said.

"Sorry." Robert said.

Laylal and I laugh.

"Well, we got to get going." Olivia said. "I have plans for the four of us to do so we might as well get going."

Robert gives Victoria a goodbye hug.

"Now let's get going." Laylal said. "We got a bunch of things to do before we go to Paris."


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