Lily's September 2nd

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**Lily's POV**

Rose did not take the news so well. I feel so terrible telling her. But I had to, it'll be better for me to tell Luna if Rose knows.

By the time I got home, it was about a quarter to noon. Obviously no one was home. I don't know how my parents rolled themselves out of bed so early in the morning when they went to sleep so late.

Especially knowing months from now they will only one child to take care of.

I can't really focus on myself dying.

I was talking with Jax on the phone after I found out the news. He FaceTimed me until I went to sleep meaning he barley got any sleep as well. On top of that I was crying like a waterfall. He told me he wanted to come over and talk.

It was 12:15 when Jax finally showed up.

"How are you holding up?" Jax asks me.

"Fine." I say. "Fine for a dying girl."

"Stop saying that." Jax says.

"But it's true." I reply.

💭It's true and I must accept it.💭

"Alright." Jax says. "It's true but please stop saying those words."

"Whatever." I sigh.

"How did Hazel react?" Jax asks me.

"When it comes to bad news she doesn't really have emotion towards it." I say. "She's with Shane and Sky though."

"And your parents?" Jax asks.

"Working." I immediately reply. "I told Rose today."

"And?" Jax says.

"She didn't take it so well." I sigh. "I don't blame her though."

"How the hell are you going to tell Luna?" Jax asks me.

"I don't even want to think about it." I say. "It'll break her heart. Luna had already lost so much within the last few years."

"You're going to have to tell eventually." Jax says. "I know you don't want to but one way or another she's going to find out."

"I just thought I would have more time to compose myself and make a decision." I say. "If it were to get worse before college then I wouldn't go, but it got worse sooner than I thought."

Jax stayed with me for a few hours after this conversation just to keep me company and to keep my mind off this life changing moment.

The rest of the day was long, dreadful, and slow. I just wanted the day to end.

My parents and Hazel came home at around 5. I was in my room writing things down, thinking about how I want to live my last few months and how I want my loved ones to live on without me after I go to the other side.


Hey guys!

Finally made it to chapter 100.

Sorry that the 100th chapter isn't on a lighter note.

This story still has a long way to go. I hope you guys have enjoyed everything so far.

I'm sorry about taking forever to do this chapter. I'm now a full time college student and I wanted to focus on myself the first year. Don't worry I really did miss writing. But I didn't really have a break because I always had a whole lot of papers to write.

Also I really wanted to focus more on myself and grow more as a person around people I care about and things I love doing that make me busy.

Life & PhotographyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara