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**Rose's POV**

"These cupcakes look so delicious." Luna says to her aunt. "Thanks so much for making a bunch of them."

Luna's aunt hugs Luna.

The party was going great so far. However, I'm a bit upset that Beck, Preston and Boone are late for the party.

**Lily's POV**

💭The guys should be coming. Where are they? Did they get stuck in traffic or something? What in the world is going on?💭

**Luna's POV**

"Rose, Lily, we should go change into our clothes for the party." I say.

"Definitely." Lily says. "I want to look cute."

"Same." Rose says.

"For your fling Preston?" I ask.

"For myself." Rose says. Then she mumbles. "For him too."

💭This is all Lily's fault. She's lucky that I'm keeping this shut from Elliott. However, I don't know how much longer I can keep this fling between Rose and Preston a secret.💭

"Let's go." Lily said. "We'll be right back fellow guests."

**Rose's POV**

I was already done getting dressed for the party when my phone was starting to light up like crazy.

💬Boone: Open up the door.💬

💬Beck: Come to the front door.💬

💬Preston: Please open the door for us, we have a surprise for you, Lily and Luna.💬

💭What was all of that about?💭

I go downstairs and tell Aspyn, Harlow, Colin, Kacey, Leila and Evan that I'll be right back.

"Wait." Kacey says as she walks up to me. She fixes my hat and my hair to make it look a bit nicer. When she finished, se said, "All good."

I walk to the door and open it up.

💭What in the world?!💭

I see the guys with Zander, Jax and Aurora.


"What are you guys doing here?!" I say.

"To surprise the two birthday girls." Aurora said. "Also to be with our old summer camp squad."

"Then come on in." I say.

Zander, Jax and Aurora go join the party outside.

I stay out there with Boone, Beck and Preston.

"How did you guys do this?" I ask them.

"I knew that you knew that something was up." Preston said.

"But not something like this." I reply. "If it was anything else then yeah, I would suspect it."

The guys laughed. Then all four of us headed to the patio.

After a few minutes, Luna and Lily finally come downstairs in their outfits.

Once they step out on the patio, their faces blew up once they saw their soon to be boyfriends there.

"This is unbelievable." Luna said.

"It's actually really sweet." Lily says.

"You guys go and converse while Preston and I bring out the cupcakes." I say.

I head back inside to the kitchen along with Preston.

"I still can't believe that you guys did this for them." I say.

"It was Beck's and Boone's idea." Preston says.

"It was still a good surprise." I say as I finish placing the cupcakes on the displays. Preston just stares at me with a smirk on his face that makes me smile.

"Sorry." He says. "You just look cute in your outfit."

I laugh as I take off my hat to put my hair in half up, half down ponytail. Then I say to Preston, "Please help me out by carrying one of the cupcake displays outside."

"Sure." He says walking towards me. When he gets close enough, he kisses my forehead before grabbing a cupcake display.

I smile. "Let's go." I say.

When Preston and I got outside to the patio with the cupcake displays, Eyes Wide Open by Sabrina Carpenter was playing.

Preston and I sat together with the rest of the group and started to talk about tons of things such as past memories and funny stories that were still stuck in our brains.

Then all of the girls have talked about books on Wattpad. Aspyn is currently reading Annabelle. Harlow's reading Happenstance.

💭How were the twins reading stories that have letters starting with the first letter of their names? 😂💭

Kacey was reading Breakup Formula for the third time because of the rewrites. She said that it was the best the first time she read because the ending was her favorite and what she'd expected to happen.

Leila was reading Just Great, a romantic love story about a teen couple getting back together while being stuck in their building staircase during a power outage in the middle of a heatwave in New York City.

Luna was reading Resetting Our Love. It's one of my personal favorites on Wattpad.

Lily was reading Knight in Distress. All of the other girls read it but I haven't yet so I told them not to spoil it for me.

I am currently reading Cherry Knots.

Aurora was reading this story called To Be Away From You, I never heard of it, but it sounds interesting.

We were having a good time, having some laughs and making memories while having nicely decorated cupcakes.

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