Fancy Dinner

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The executives at dad's job are having a huge dinner. Dad tells me about these things literally the day of.

I had to kick out Elliott's which I felt really bad for and told Elliot to drop off Roxy back at home and to feed her for me so I can get ready and actually look like I didn't rush to get ready.

I curled my ends, sprayed perfume all over my body, put on an light purple blouse with a pink pencil skirt. Then I search led through my closet for my pink heels. When I found them I slipped them on and wobbled out of my room while putting light pink lipstick on my lips.

💭Thanks a lot dad.💭

Dad came back home to change pick me up.

"What took you so long?" He asks me.

"The invite to tonight." I said.

"Good one." Dad says.

I hop in the front passenger seat and close the door.

As dad gets in the car I strap in and say, "I better get lobster tonight."

"Fine, one pound." He sighs.

"Two pounds." I bargain.

"Deal." Dad says. Both him and I shake hands.

I'm my father's only child so I got to go every year since I was nine and all of the executives were very impressed by my etiquette and maturity since.

"Yes." I say. "I have travelled various times."

"Have you been everywhere?" My father's co worker asks.

"No." I answer. "I haven't been everywhere but it's on my list."

The dinner went really great. My lobster was even better.

"Dad, when are you going to stop telling me about these events at the last minute?" I ask on the ride home.

"I always forget about this event?" Dad says.

"Well you have for the third year in a row." I say before laughing.

Dad laughed along too.

"I miss having memories like this." Dad says. "I've been so swamped with work lately, we really need to take a vacation just the two of us."

"Not daddy daughter mini golf." I tell dad. "I'm sorry but those days are over."

"Still we got to do something." Dad says. "Especially with school starting up soon, you starting a new relationship with Elliott which I'm glad about."

"Did you actually like Vincent when I dated him?" I ask him.

"I didn't, I felt like he was full of crap, and he was because he hurt my little girl." Dad says.

I started laughing because Vincent was really full of crap. Dad was right.

We had to spend more time together.

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