California Bike Ride

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Hello from Santa Monica.

Lily took this photo on phone, edited it and posted it on Instagram.

It's Saturday August 15, 2015.

💭I see myself living in California years  from now.💭

While walking with the bikes along the boardwalk, we see a few cute looking boys.

"They're checking us out." Lily said.

"Are you forgetting something?" I ask.

"You are talking to Jax." Luna tells Lily. "I'm talking to Zander and Rose is talking with Elliott."

I nod.

"You guys are just too loyal." Lily said.

"We have to be after Chris Brown said that girls aren't loyal." Luna said.

"LOL." I said.

"All three of them are coming this way." Lily said. "Turn around."

💭Just act cute.💭

"Hi." Lily said to the guys.

💭Lily can act like this in front of guys but not around Jax. I don't get it.💭

"Hey." The guys said.

"Names?" I ask the guys.

"Preston." The brown haired boy with blue eyes said to me.

"Rose." I say to Preston.

"I'm Lily." Lily said to one of the other two guys.

"Beck." One guy responded.

Beck had long hair for a guy. His black hair was in a man bun. Beck had Hazel eyes and the same complexion as Taylor Lautner.

"Luna." Luna said.

"Boone." He last guys said.

Boone had light brown hair and dark green eyes. He's pale yet not as pale as I am.

"Don't we know you girls from somewhere?" Preston asks.

"You girls do look familiar." Boone said.

"YouTube?" Luna asks the guys.

"That's right." Boone said. "You girls do those great covers."

"Awww." I say. "Thanks."

"Where are you girls from?" Beck asks us.

"Upstate New York." Luna said.

"What brings you ladies to California?" Preston asks.

"My family is here and I'm celebrating my sixteenth birthday with my two best friends." Luna said. "We flew in this morning."

"Cool." Boone said.

"We were just about to go surfing." Preston said.

"Mind if we join you?" Lily asks.

💭Remind me to get Lily good if I make it out of surfing alive.💭

"You gals surf?" Boone asks.

"I haven't in two years." Luna said. "That was the last time I was in California."

"That was my first time doing it." Lily said.

"How about you?" Preston asks me. "Do you surf?"

"Not really." I say. "I guess I can learn today."

"That's the spirit." Lily said.

"Let's hit the waves." Beck said.

💭Do you mean the reason of my demise?💭

Lily walks ahead with Beck. Luna and Boone are right behind them.

"You sure you want to surf?" Preston asks.

"How come you're asking?" I ask.

"You seem nervous about it." Preston says. "I'll teach you though, one step at a time."

"Thanks." I say. "By the way, I know that you follow me on Instagram and Snapchat."

"How?" Preston asks.

"I notice your page and my ex Vincent didn't like that." I say. Then I laugh.

"Sorry about that jerk." Preston said. "It doesn't make sense that he gets jealous then cheats on you."

"Thanks." I say. "I'm moved on from that though."

"Good." Preston said.

"Let's get to my surfing lesson." I say.

💭I'm ready to surf.🏄🏻💭

Preston and I walk to catch up with the others.

💭Should I thank Lily because I met a fan and a really sweet guy or hate her because I can't really be with him because he's on the West coast and I'm on the East coast?💭

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