Secretive Feelings

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We just dropped Luna off back her place and started biking over to Zander's after having a good amount of cheesy fries.

"You and I need to talk." Zander said. "Right now."

"Okay." I say. "Start conversing."

"About this Elliott." Zander said. "You like him."

"I thought you liked him for me." I said. "You do, don't you?"

"I need to know him just a little more before your two start doing things." Zander said.

I roll my eyes.😒

"Got texts to prove it." Zander said. "Luna does too, we can go over to her place right now."

"Let me see your messages about me first." I said. "As we're walking to Luna's."

Zander hands me his phone.

"Screenshotted a few." Zander said.

I look through and find a text that sticks out to me.

💬When I look into her eyes I see a perfect array of stars, colliding into gorgeous constellations.💬


"Earth to Rose." Zander says.

"Hold on I'm still reading." I say.

💬I love everything about her, she's so beautiful.💬


"Okay." I say. "He likes me."

"Do you like him?" Zander asks.

"Yes." I say.

"What are you thinking about right now?" Zander asks me.

"I just want to sing that Ariana Grande song." I sigh.

"Of course." Zander says.

"You already know I sing Ariana Grande whenever I get the feels." I say. "So shut up, that's why you can't express your feeling towards Luna."

Zander gave me the straight face.

"Did I just?" I ask him.

"Yes Rose you did just come up with a good comeback." He says without giving me any eye contact.

💭He know he mad.😂💭

"At least I got you to admit about the way you feel." Zander says.

Then started singing The Way by Ariana Grande.

Zander rolled his eyes.

Then my phone went off.📱

💬Meet me back at my place in an hour-Lily🐯🌸💬

💭What was all of that about? I guess that I'll find out really soon.💭

"What's going on?" Zander asks.

"Lily needs Luna and I." I say. "Not right now, in an hour."

"She might need help getting ready for her date with Jax tonight." Zander says.

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"Every single girl that goes out with Jax  ALWAYS needs reinforcements for the perfect first date outfit." Zander says rolling his eyes.

I roll my eyes.

"I just got a text from Jax." Zander says. "He wants me to help him with his date tonight."

💭This day is just getting more and more interesting by each minute, doesn't it?💭

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