Lily's Outfit

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**Rose's POV**

"You look like you can be in Fall Out Boy." I said.

"Glad you saw that image." Lily said.

"What up with the stem of lilies?" I ask.

Lily breaks off a lily from the stem an puts it in the strap of my hat. She does the same to her hat.

"Okay." I say. "I see what you're doing."

"Jax found out that I opened up the present." Lily says.

"How?" I ask.

"I confessed because I felt bad." Lily says.

💭Did I just hear Lily say that she feels bad for keeping a secret? Dang Jax, you got some affect on my fierce friend.💭

"You felt bad?" I say. "You felt bad."

"Yeah." Lily says. "Oh dang it."

"He got something on you." I say.

Lily covers her lips as they form into the shape of her smile. She chuckles lightly and blushes.

💭I've never seen Lily like this before. Jax is actually changing her. I can't believe it.💭

"I can't believe this." I say.

"You can't believe what exactly?" Lily asks me.

"That you're acting like this when you're only just talking to a guy." I say. "You're usually so blunt and play hard to get without stuttering on a word. With Jax it's different."

"Some things change, don't they?" Lily says.

I sigh. "I guess they do." I say. "Just promise me to be careful and cautious for your own heart's sake."

"Too late." Lily says.

💭What did I miss?!💭

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Lily, what happened? Please speak now before I flip out."

**Lily's POV**

"Oh." I say. "I got to tell you-"

"-tell me what?" Rose says.

"That Jax and I made out upstairs." I say. Then I have this huge grin on my face.

"No." Rose says.

"Yes." I say. "I think I actually like him."

"Oh really?" Rose asks me.

I nod.

"He's actually checking you out." Rose says. "Don't turn around he'll turn away."

I smile. "I should go talk to him."

"Wait until he's done with this conversation with Colin and Evan." Rose says. "Hold on let me text them."

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