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**Rose's POV**

Lily went to finish making vanilla meringues.

"They're all done, ready for the party." Lily said. "It was the most work I've done all summer."

"They look so yummy." I say.

Preston comes behing and wraps his arms around my waist.

"This is going to be one of the last few times I'm going to be able to do this." Preston says.

I smile. "You're doing so much extra."

"What?" Preston says. "We can't have a cute summer fling?"

I chuckle lightly.

**Lily's POV**

I can't believe Jax came all this way for me. I never knew that Jax was actually this sweet.

"Hey." A familiar voice says from behind me.

I knew that it was Jax.

"Hey." I say.

"You made these?" Jax says, gesturing over towards the meringues.

"Yeah." I say, pushing hair behind my ear.

"Okay." Jax said. "Now I know what's filled with poison."

💭He did not.💭

I hit Jax's shoulder hard.

"Like that hurt." Jax says as he runs the shoulder that I had just hit.

"Why are you running your shoulder?" I say.

Jax stays silent.

💭Got you.💭

"Where did you put the present?" Jax asks me.

"Why?" I say.

"Let's go inside and open it up." Jax says.

**Jax's POV**

Lily and I go up to the room that the girls are staying in for the weekend.

"Was this Luna's old room?" I ask Lily as we step in.

Lily nods. "Still the same as it was before." She says.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" I say.

Lily walks over to her bag to get her present. "I've been waiting forever to open this gift."

"Open it." I say.

"I'm glad I brought this with me because if i haven't, Hazel would've found it and stolen it." Lily says.

I laugh.

Lily opens her gift. She gasps as she sees what I got her.

"I can't believe that you got me this." Lily says.

"You should wear it." I say. "Hand it over."

Life & PhotographyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon