Boxing Up Vincent

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It was 2:00 on Wednesday.

"You're doing great." Aurora said.

"Thanks." I said as I put a stuffed animal in the box.

Aurora brought her kitten over who was getting along just fine with Roxy.

💭It was so cute. 💭

Aurora took a picture of our pets on her phone and sent it to me.

"A meow massages the heart." Aurora says while prying her kitten.

"It sure does." I said.

I grabbed the bag of the stones that Kinsley got me from London. Then I put the bowl in the middle of my window sill. I pour all of the stones into the bowl.

"That's beautiful." Aurora said. "The light really does bring out those stones."

"You know what's funny?" I ask Aurora.

"What's so funny Ro?" Aurora asks me.

"I've learned something through a breakup." I said. "I've learned that it's not the breakup that hurts the most."

"Good but what hurts?" Aurora asks me.

"It's the past trauma that follows it." I say as I sit by Aurora's feet. "It's waking up and checking your phone for messages that aren't there."

"So, it's like being at the brink of giving up?" Aurora asks me.

"No." I laugh. "It's like starting your life over again and you have no idea where to start." I say. "Aurora, I'm not saying that I'm giving up on love." I clarify. "I'm just starting over."

"Good for you." Aurora said.

There was a knock on my front door.

"That must be Greyson." Aurora said. "I'll got get it."

Greyson walks into my room.

I greeted him.

"All packed?" Greyson asks me.

"Nope." I said. "There's something that's all the way at another continent that I have to get."

"The love lock." Greyson said.

I nod.

"You still have the key?" Aurora asks.

I go to my keepsake box that I bought to remind me of my first trip to Europe.

Taped in the inside part of the lid, was the key to the love lock with the chain.

I put the chain around my neck.

"I will keep this around my neck until I find that lock and set it free." I said.

All of the sudden I start to cry.

💭Why am I crying? I'm moving on, I'm taking these steps to make myself feel better. I have to be better. I need to move on from this jerk who not only taught me a lesson but changed me for the better.💭

"Ro, I know for sure that you'll get over this." Aurora said.

I took a seat on my bed next to Greyson.

"Hang in there kiddo." Greyson said.

Aurora slaps Greyson.

"Ouch." Greyson groans.

"Ro, someday for sure that you will love, smile, laugh and cry again because you will keep fighting." Aurora said. "You're a fighter Rose, one of the strongest people I've ever known."

I wiped my tears and hugged Aurora.

There was a knock on the door.

Greyson went to get the door.

Kinsley comes in.

She sees me crying on Aurora's shoulder.

Kinsley just drops everything and hugs me.

"That's it!" Greyson yelled.

Aurora, Kinsley and I jumped.

Roxy cried.

I picked her up and held her close.

"Dude, you gave us heart attacks here." Kinsley said.

"I'm going to give Vincent a lesson." Greyson said. "I'll text you gals later."

"Greyson, you're better than this." Aurora said.

"Fine." Greyson grunts. "I'll just text him."

"Goodness." I said.

"When I'm done with this message, he won't be using his fingers to text for awhile." Greyson said.

"Not necessary." I said.

Kinsley gives me a look.

"Yes Kinsley, I heard what I said." I said.

"If I were you, I'd let him text out his anger." Kinsley said. "Or just forget about him and do a rebound."

"I don't do rebounds." I said.

"Okay." Kinsley said.

"So I guess I'll come back when you're back with that lock." Greyson said.

I nod.

"I'll walk myself out." Greyson said. "Aurora and Kinsley I'll text you later and work it in dance camp in Paris Rose, blow them away."

Greyson leaves.

I get up from my bed and close the box.

💭Just one more thing and I can deal up Vincent for good.💭

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