Silly Peebles

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**Rose's POV**

"Why are there a bunch of colorful rocks in mason jars?" Chris asks.

"Luna wanted to do this activity since forever." I said. "It's to take sharpies and draw faces on them."

"That's my sister." Chris sighs.

"This is like an old camping activity." A familiar voice said.

💭Is it?💭

"Total throwback." Another familiar voice said.

💭It can't be.💭

I turn around.

"Hey Rose." The two girls said.

I squeal. Then I say, "Goodness, Aspyn and Harlow, you two never changed."

All three of us hugged.

Luna comes out on the deck and joins in in the hug.

All four of us take pictures of us four together and post them on Instagram.

💭I missed these twins so much.💭

Then Lily comes out.

"I felt like the only blond for so long until Aurora moved to New York." Lily says.

It's an inside joke Lily, Aurora and the twins have since they're the blondes of the old summer camp group.

"I missed you two so much." Lily says to Aspyn and Harlow. "Thanks for making it and this huge surprise."

We all sat down and drew the cutest faces on the rocks and needed up filling up our jars with expressive, silly pebbles.

"You girls did all that?" Christopher Robin asks us.

We all nod.

"I can't be around all this crafty girly crap." He says.

We all laugh.

💭Same old Christopher Robin.💭

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