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Laylal took this picture of Olivia and I on top of the Empire State Building on her phone. She sent the picture to Olivia and I.

💭It's now my new contact photo for Olivia.💭

Olivia was able to set up a bunch of things to do while being in the city.

We decided that our first stop would be 16 handles.

After enjoying 16 handles, we went to the Empire State Building.

It took some time but once we touched the city streets again, we couldn't believe the difference.

💭Before today, the last time I went to the Empire State Building I was with my mother and I had to be on my tiptoes to see the view of NYC.💭

"What are you thinking about?" Victoria asks me.

"It's nothing." I said. "I'm just out of it at the moment, no worries Vicky."

"Okay." Victoria said.

The four of us went to Times Square.

Then we went to Central Park.

"The Pope is coming to the city at the end of September." Olivia said.

"Cool." I said.

"What do you guys want to do?" Laylal asks us.

We all shrug our shoulders.

💭We had no idea what to do.💭

"Let's just go back to my sister's and rest up for the flight." Laylal said. "We have to stay up for the entire flight to able to go through the time zones."

We all go back to Alexandra's apartment.

When we got back to the apartment, we were all beat.

Then we run into Alexandra.

"Where were you?" Alexandra asks.

"Sightseeing." Laylal said.

"Cool." Alexandra said. "Rest up, we got a lot to do before we get to Paris."

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