☺️ Cute Crib ☺️

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I texted my friends the picture of Roxy and I all night last night.

My dad texted me that he had a surprise for me when I get back home.

So when I came home with Roxy on Sunday July 19, I noticed something had changed.

The small guest room didn't have a bunch of old things that weren't used.

Instead, there was a room filled with a bunch of girly and cozy furniture.

Two chairs and nice, cozy slippers that look like the same cute little bear. 🐻

"What do you think?" My father asked.

"I love it." I say as I set Roxy down to the floor. Roxy goes to the square bear chair and takes a seat. "Looks like my partner in crime Roxy claimed her seat."

"I'm going to get a bookshelf for random things for your bedroom and another bookshelf for your books and kindle in here." My father said.

"Sounds good." I say. "Can't believe that you took out most of mom's old things."

"I just went onto our eBay account and many people wanted some of your mother's things that haven't been touched." My father said. "You should look through her crafting supplies and other things."

"I'll let you know before I put them on our eBay to sell." I say.

"Also, our neighbors are moving out in a week and a half and they wanted to speak with you before they go." My father said.

"Good to know." I say. "I will get to them as soon as I can."

So I took a picture of my cute bear chairs and put it along with the other pictures in my room. 🐻

I go back to the cute crib and read one of my books on Wattpad, Starstruck by miss_terious

Mr. Window is just so annoying, if Alyssa gets hurt, it's on him, not Ryan. Also, Nima is hilarious.

Then I noticed a piece of my glass screen protector on my phone fell off.

💭Good thing I have a plastic screen protector under that.💭

I look up from my phone and notice that Roxy fell asleep on the chair right next to me.

💭So cute.💭

I slip on the bear slippers and walk to my dad's office. I peek my head into the door and notice that my father was on a phone call so I just walk into the kitchen and got myself a snack.

💭Honestly, I just want some fries and a Big Mac from McDonald's.🍔🍟 To be honest, the struggle is that I can't drive and it will take me forever to go over there and back here on my bike. 😩🚗🚲💭

So I just grabbed some sour cream and onion chips from the snack cabinet.

I was bored out of my mind.

Then I realized, I haven't talked to my boyfriend, Vincent since before my visit to Sara's and my godmother's.

💭Interesting. Might as well leave him a text.💭

💬Hey, we haven't talked in awhile, text me when you get this. ~ Miss ya😘Rosie🌹💬

I went Becky I the cute crib and went back on Wattpad to continue reading Starstruck by miss_terious wow, Alyssa pushes Ryan off the couch after Ryan writes a song about her and comes clean about his feelings towards her....awkward.

💭These bear slippers are so soft and cozy, I can't even feel them on my feet.🐻💭


I wake up in my bear chair, with my phone in my hands.🐻📱

I check the time and it was 1:30 in the morning. Roxy was still asleep, dad might be in bed already. The house was silent.

One part of me wanted to go to sleep but at the same time, I just woke up and I know I will be tossing and turning in my bed.

I had no idea what to do because I was to lazy to do anything, even read!

So I walked into my bedroom which was a mess, typical teenage thing that no parent ever understands.

I decided to look through some old things from school.

Found all my old notes from global history, biology and geometry. I had to take the regents for all of those subjects. Shockingly, I passed all of them last month.

💭I thought I would fail geometry and end up going to summer school.💭

I threw out all of my notes from biology, geometry and global history.

💭I felt good about that because all those things have given me such stress.💭

Going through my desk I found old papers, broken pencils, not to mention pens and papers that weren't working at all. So I threw all of those things out as well.

Then my desk was actually clean.


It was 2:30 in the morning and I just finished cleaning my bookshelf after picking up all of the dirty clothes and putting them away in the hamper.

I was exhausted and thirsty.

So I grab my grey cardigan and put it on before I quietly go to the kitchen to get some water. Then I go out to the deck to look up at the starry, pre dawn sky with the moon full and high. 🌌🌕

I gulp down my cup of water in a few minutes before quietly going back into the house.

Then I felt so drowsy and weak. I didn't make past my dad's office. I ended up falling asleep on the couch.


"Did you have a rough night?" My father asked me.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"6:15." My dad said.

I get up from the couch and tell my father, "I always tell you to let me sleep until noon but you never listen."

My dad starts to laugh at me.

💭It is too early in the morning to be playing games with me.💭

I go back to the cute crib to wake up Roxy.

Then I go with Roxy to the kitchen to feed her.

While Roxy was eating, I was too lazy to cook anything so I just grabbed the extra large Lucky Charms cereal bar and a glass of orange juice.

And that was my first night in my very own ☺️ Cute Crib ☺️

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