My Girls

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"Zander, you didn't." I said.

"Penelope made me." Zander said.

Penelope, Laylal, Aurora, Lily and Luna runs towards Zander and I.

I greet all of the girls with a hug, so does Zander.

💭The hug between Zander and Luna was the longest. I saw with the corners of my eyes.👀💭

"Thought you would like to spend some time with your girls." Penelope said.

"Definitely." I say. "I forgot how much I missed you girls."

The girls did a group hug around me. I was the center.

"What are you going to do?" I ask Zander.

"Connor and Greyson have their shifts." Zander said. "Catch you later sis."

"Catch you later bro." I say.

"Gina is in Nashville." Lily said.

"They went that far on the road trip?!" I ask Lily.

Lily and Luna nod.

"They travel fast." I said. "I have to go to Nashville in three weeks for a cousin's wedding. I'm a bridesmaid and the theme of it is her childhood so I'm wearing something vintage which I'm looking forward to."

The girls applauded.

"Kinsley wanted to rest." Penelope said. "Her flight got delayed before she came home and she has major jet lag."

"Dang." I say.

"I see you with your fresh and clean converse." Aurora said.

"Zander gave me these for my birthday." I say.

Luna blushes.

"Someone got a crush on my best friend." I say.

"Me?" Luna asks.

"She doesn't have a crush on Zander." Lily scoffs.

💬Does Zander really like Luna?Laylal🌷💬

💬He does. I know she likes him back.😉💬

"Yes I do." Luna mumbles.

Aurora's and Penelope's jaws drop.

💬See Laylal, what did I tell you?💁🏻💬

"Oh." Lily said. "You do."

Luna nods.

Laylal and I just stay silent.

"How come you two are not surprised?" Aurora asks Layal and I.

"We knew." Laylal said.

"Yep." I say. "It's obvious that the both of you like each other."

"How do know, Ro?" Aurora asks me.

"Their hug just now was long.😉" I say.

Luna blushes again. You can tell that she was embarrassed about her cheeks heating up.

"Well, Rose, your bro is going to have to get through me." Lily said.

"Lily!" Luna whines.

"I'm serious this time." Lily said. "I got my eye on him and if Luna gets hurt, there goes Zander's chances of fatherhood."

💭Jaw dropping.💭

"Got you." I say. "Besides, I'm just glad that a guy like Zander likes Luna and not a guy like Vincent."

The girls cheered.

"Layal, you're the only one with a boyfriend in this group, how do you do it?" Luna asks Laylal.

"Benjamin and I just stay in the loop with each other." Laylal said.

"Excited about your birthday coming up in a couple of days?" I ask.

"I am." Laylal said. "My parents said that it's a surprise."

"We'll hope for a good one." Aurora said.

"I miss him." Laylal mumbles.

"Of course you do." I say. "You'll be fine."

"Let's gather our things and get some ice cream." Penelope said. "It's a great day for it."

As all the girls gather their things, Aurora picks up her tiny cross body bad and puts it on her.

"Aurora, can you come over to my place later on this week and help me pack up a box of the things Vincent gave me?" I ask.

"Sure." Aurora said. "I can also make arrangements for Greyson to come pick up the box and deliver it personally to Vincent."

"That would be wonderful." I say. "We will talk more about this later. Right now, I just need some time with my girls."

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