End of Summer Bash

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It's Thursday, September 3rd, 2015.

Elliott's cousins left early this morning. It was nice getting to know them as friends and no his cousins.

I'm still shocked and overwhelmed about Lily's health. I'm not going to lie. I'm genuinely scared for her.

I was planning on hosting a huge End of Summer Bash inviting half of the school. Then I changed my mind mind because I would be too lazy to clean everything after.

Here is my invite list:

Guys: Elliott, Zander, Greyson, Connor, Jax, Shane, and Benjamin.

Gals: Penelope, Laylal, Aurora, Lily, Luna, Kinsley, Hazel, Skylar, and Gina.

Okay. So I really don't know what to do for this party exactly but it should come to me eventually.

💬Hey can I come over? -Elliott💬


Within two minutes Elliott was inside my house and Roxy was all over him.

"So you want to plan a whole end of summer thing before school starts?" Elliott asks me.

"Yes." I say. "I'm trying to think of things we all haven't done yet altogether this summer."

"How about a game night?" Elliott asks me. "We can do some board games and play some video games as well."

💭My boyfriend is a genius.💭

"Yes but I want to add something else to that." I say.

"Maybe some movies if people are up to it and some snacks." Elliott said. "We can also see if anyone is down for a game of manhunt."

"Babe that's a good idea." I say. "I'll call everyone over."

"Do you need help with anything?" Elliott asks me.

I think about it for a couple of seconds.

"Download a couple of movies from your Netflix." I said. "Bring a bunch of blankets over because I don't think I have enough for everyone."

"Sounds good." Elliott says. "I'll start texting people."

About an hour later, people start showing up.

Thirty five inutes later the only people that have not shown up were Lily and Jax.

💭I really do hope they come. I also hope Lily isn't too down in the dumps to not show up.💭

**Lily's POV**

Before coming into the party Jax pulls me aside.

"We can leave whenever you want to if you're not feeling like staying for long." Jax said.

"I'll probably take that into consideration." I say. "But not everyone there knows yet. I want to keep it that way."

"So what do you to do?" Jax asks me.

"I'm going to spend some time with my friends." I speak confidently.

"And?" Jax says.

"And be positive." I grumble. "No bad vibes here."

💭I know I promised myself that I won't let Cancer mess up my thoughts or get to me. Sadly I keep on getting these lingering thoughts. I'm really scared of telling everyone else. I'm absolutely terrified about telling Luna. What is this school year going to look like for me? There's the sick girl walking down the hall. That's going to be so annoying to deal with. Eventually I will tell everyone and things will be okay because I will have friends by my side and there. It's not just Luna, Laylal, Rose, Zander, Hazel, Skaylar, Shane, and Penelope. My support group has tremendously grown from then to now. Things will be okay.💭

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