Breakup Formula

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I have been a total wreck since the breakup. It has only been two days. Today is Friday July 24. 

It's hard to say his name.

Penelope notified everyone that I was a mess through a picture of her drawing posted on Instagram. It got many likes and comments.

Taking a break from talking to my friends was kind of a good idea because I won't have to hear apologies about what happened.

Also bad because without my friends, I have no life and my phone battery would be staying at a high percentage.

My phone has been lighting up with texts from friends, I have just ignored them all.

💭I was never in the mood to answer anything because I know the subject would be how I was feeling right now at this very moment.💭

"Hey sweet pea." Dad said as he walked into the kitchen. "Glad to see that you're out of your crib and room."

"Well, there's nothing else to do." I say. "Besides, the food is in the kitchen."

My dad chuckles.

I go on my phone. 📱

There were many texts from Penelope.💬

💭She knew that I wasn't going to look at my phone so she sent messages with random emojis, then audios telling me to pick up my phone and socialize and lastly the comments from the picture.💭


It took me awhile but I started to socialize again.

Unfollow Vincent in ever social media website: 💯✔️👌🏻

Everyone noticed quickly that I've unfollowed Vincent. My phone started to blow up again.



I went back into my room and put my phone off vibrate.📱

I tried to go to sleep. 😴

But my phone kept blowing up and making various sounds.

Instead I went onto Wattpad. I had finished Starstruck by miss_terious  which had an ending that I wasn't expecting but still liked, so I continued from where I had left off on How To Turn A Good Girl Bad by @LikkleAngel .

I got to the part where Hailey leaves her birthday party and Gabriella is concerned for her being alone on her birthday.


It has been an hour and I took Roxy on her first walk around the neighborhood.

I put on a plain white tee shirt, black leggings and my red Keds.

💭Just a few more walks around the neighborhood and I think Roxy will soon be ready for the adventures. When was my last adventure? I believe two days before my birthday.💭


It took me about fifteen minutes to find this picture and edit it on my laptop.

Sadly no, this wasn't a picture through my camera.

I picked this picture because I felt like my life right now was just focusing on starting this breakup formula.

Also, I felt like my life at the moment was just the fridge, my laptop and my camera.

💬Kinsley just got back from London! Omg! She has gone mad!🇬🇧 -Zander💬

💭Yay! A text from my cousin and guy best friend, Zander!💭

I posted the picture I edited on my Twitter feed before replying to Zander.

💬Sorry I've been ignoring your texts, I'm ignoring life lately.💬

💬It's okay cousin, I know how it is.💬

I hear a knock on the front door so I get up and get it.

It was Zander.

"Hey." I say.

"Look at you." Zander said as he came close to me for a hug. "You are looking better than Penelope had described when she came over."

"Thank you." I say. "It's just that I just came back from giving Roxy a walk."

Roxy barks and scratches the legs of Zander's pants.

"I still have to give you your birthday present." Zander said. "Come over tomorrow to come get it."

"I will." I say.

"Heard that your elder neighbors are moving?" Zander asks me.

"Yep." I say to my cousin. "Come on in."

Zander follows me in my home.

My dad comes out of his office.

"Zander, are you staying for dinner, we're just about to order some sushi?" My dad asks.

"Sure I'll stay." Zander says to my dad. "That's only if Rose hangs out with me tomorrow for a little adventure."

"You're on." I say.


💭Every time I have sushi I just want more of it.🍣💭

"Hey, hey, hey." Zander says as he uses his index finger to poke my cheek. "You're going to be just fine."

"Sure about that?" I ask my cousin.

"Girl, you unfollowed him real quick." Zander says as he takes a seat on my bed. "That takes guts and you know it."

I take my hair out of the high ponytail.
Then I take my hairbrush and brush out my hair.

"The elderly neighbors want to see me tomorrow." I say.

"Oh really?" Zander asks.

"Yep." I say.

"They want to see me too." Zander said.

"Must be something huge." I say. "We should go together."

"No." Zander said. "You go before you meet up with me at my place tomorrow. Before the adventure, we'll head back over there."

"Okay." I say. "You should get going on home."

"I should but I am just so comfortable on your bed." Zander said as he lays down on my bed. "Besides, I've spent the night at your place so many times before, our folks don't even mind."

That's true, after all, Zander and I are cousins through blood and genetics. Also, we're like siblings and best friends to each other. We knew everything about each other.

"True." I say. "You have no extra clothes though."

"Doesn't matter." Zander said. He pats the spot on my bed next to him. "Come sit with me."

I finish brushing my hair and go to sit with Zander.

"So Rose." Zander says.

"So Zander." I say.

"Don't you remember what had happened to us four years ago?" Zander asks me.

"Both of us having our first kiss with each other a best friends or finding out an hour later that we're blood cousins shortly after?" I ask Zander.

My cousin and I laughed.

"Technically, you changed into your dad's name so we're not as much related anymore." Zander said.

"Doesn't matter." I say. "You're my best friend and like a big brother to me."

"Don't get me soft now." Zander says.

Zander and I laugh.

That, fellow humans, is when I found out that the breakup formula is your best friend.💊🙈😂🍭✌🏻️🍣

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