Penelope & Waves

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**Rose's POV**

I walk into Penelope's home.

"How are you Rose?" Penelope's mother said.

"I'm doing fine." I say. "Thanks for asking."

"Penelope is outback in her little studio." Her mother says. "You know how she is, she can be there for hours."

"I'll go check on her." I say. I walk out of the house.

I walk past the yard and walk into the art studio.

"Penelope, your mom said that you were in here." I say as I walk into the stable.

"I am." Penelope said. "Just watch your step, I haven't cleaned up because I was looking for good supplies for this piece I'm working on."

Penelope has made this stable from a storage space to a clubhouse to a art studio ever since I met her.

💭Does time fly by.💭

"Where did you get this image from?" I ask.

"From an memory of mine when my family went to Aruba last year." Penelope said.

"It's beautiful." I say. "Are you done with it?"

"Not yet." She says. "Almost though."

"I'll just sit and watch." I say. "Like I always do." I grab the stool and take a seat.

"Go right on ahead." Penelope says.

I sat up straight and starred into the picture. Then I went into deep thinking again. This has been happening a lot lately since my break up with Vincent.

💭Now with Elliott around, the feeling I had learned to forget is coming back to me and it's starting to hurt in a way.💭

💭However, there were some nights, but not consistently every single night, just some, that I just think about the times Vincent and I had together. All the good times. I'm just reminiscing here.💭

💭Yet due to all this reminiscing, I'm hiding what I really feel which are my true thoughts and strong feelings for Elliott.💭

💭In a way, I still care about Vincent. But why care about someone who has cared about someone else while caring for you?💭

💭I can't believe that I missed the signs of this commitment not lasting. I feel so foolish.💭

💭Now all of these feelings are shielding my heart from liking Elliott and to make a move on him. This sucks. I would've made a move on him a long time ago. I'm hurting on the inside because I can't get my mind straight with my heart!💭

"Rose, are you okay?" Penelope asks me. "What are you thinking about?"

💭I was getting that love at the wrong time!💭

"What?" I say. "Oh, nothing, really, really nothing."

"So nothing at all?" Penelope asks.

"Nothing at all." I say in confidence. "I'm sure of it."

Penelope goes back to her painting.

💭Vincent means nothing to me. I like Elliott. When he comes back, I'm going to make a move on him. This will be a huge tidal wave for my love life here. I am taking the risk of falling in love all over again. Vincent and I, we weren't meant to be. Elliott and I, a match made in heaven.💭

Penelope stops painting. She puts down her paintbrush and her palette and comes back to me. "Something is up." Penelope said. "You're giggling out of nowhere."

"I'm so sorry." I say. "I have been acting crazy lately."

"You have." Penelope says. "I thought that you were high off of something for a second there."

I laugh. Then Penelope joins in on the laugh. One great laugh.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" Penelope asks me.

"Sure." I'll stay for dinner. "What are you guys having?"

"I'm sure that it'll be something that you'll like." Penelope says.


Hey guys!

I just realized that this is the second day in a row that I've uploaded something on Wattpad.

I remember when I used to update daily. Those were the days.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next few chapters are definitely going to take a lot more time to write because these next few chapters are very eventful. It's so you guys can be more engaged into this story.

Plus I have to clean my room the next couple of days because my new closet and desk are being built this coming weekend.

Then I have interviews and summer work to do.

Wow, school has given me work that I really don't want to do but I have to do it.

The struggle is real for me.

Laters! ✌🏻️

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