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I washed my face, sighing as I turned off the shower. I wrapped my body in a towel walking out the bathroom into my room. I closed the door behind me.

I unraveled the towel. Wrapping my hair with it. I put on some underwear and a big shirt. I walk back downstairs and throw away the bottles of beer and trash around the kitchen. I wipe the counters and mop the floors. I vacuumed the living room and cleaned the couches.

I finally sat down looking at my phone. It was already 8pm. I sigh and stood walking to the kitchen I rummage through the empty fridge and cabinets.

I found a box of Mac and cheese. I get a pot and pour water into it. I wait until the water comes to a boil. I put the noodles in and let them cook.

My phone rang and I saw it was Cameron. I hesitated but I answered it.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey babe." Cam spoke.


"Can we talk?" He asked.

"About what?"

"What I said, Saturday night. I'm sorry, I just miss you and I haven't seen you in a while and I'm scared that if you hang out with guys your gonn-"

I interrupted him. "Cameron. Cam, it's fine. I understand."

"I love you" he whispered into the phone.

"Love you too. I'm going to finish cooking though and eat. I'll call you later. Okay?"

"Okay. Bye." He said hanging up.

I put my phone down, and finish cooking my food. I put it in a bowl sitting down at the table taking a bite.

My phone started ringing again and I figured it was Cameron. I picked it up but it was a FaceTime call from Colby.

I answered it setting the phone up the view my face.

"Hey princess." He looked at me.

"What?" I paused thinking about what he just called me.

"Sorry, I won't say it again." He laughed making me smile.

"Anyways... Uhm what are you doing?" I tried getting off the topic we were on.

"Just chillin. Sam and Jake just left. Sorry bout them earlier. They just jealous cause they ain't got no bitches." He spoke, his voice was a bit deeper than normal. I suppose he was tired.

"And you do?" I give him a look as I took a bite of my food.

"Damn. You think I don't, check my instagram comments." He smirked at me.

"I'm good." I took another bite of my food.

"Why? Gonna get jealous?" I watched as he took his shirt off. Picking up the phone.

"Oh like how you get jealous of my boyfriend." I grabbed my bowl taking my last bite of mac and cheese.

"Mm right. Cus I'm jealous." He laughed laying in his bed.

"I know you are. Don't act tough." I stood up and grabbed my phone. I grabbed my phone taking it to the kitchen.

I set my phone up and begun rinisng the bowl out. I watch as Colby examines. I turned around and bent down putting the dish in the dishwasher.

"Oh, shit." Colby whispered. I realized all I had on was a shirt and underwear. I looked at Colby who had his phone facing the ceiling.

"Sorry. I promise I didn't look. We'll maybe I did for a second but.." he paused.

"Hope you enjoyed the view while it lasted." I giggled getting a glass from cabinet.

I filled the glass with water grabbing my birth control pills, taking one and gulping down some water.

"So we're popping pills now?" Colby voice echoed from the phone.

"Birth control." I took another gulp of water. Colby gave me a look.

"Not for that reason dumb ass." I rolled my eyes putting my cup in the sink. I grabbed my phone walking upstairs to my messy room. I sighed and just turned off the lights and laid down.

"You going to bed?" Colby asked.

"Yeah. It's 10 pm.I'm tired and I got school in the morning." I explained.

"Alright. Goodnight." He smiled into the phone, it was bit dark in his side, and mine, but I could still see the quiver of his lips.

"Goodnight." I smiled.

There was a long pause but the phone never hung up.

"You gonna hang up?" I broke the silence.

"Nah. I'm good." He closed his eyes trying to go back to sleep. I smiled admiring his face. I quickly snap out of it and lay my head down, closing my eyes.

"Bet" |•Colby Brock fanfic•|•smut and fluff•|Where stories live. Discover now