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I woke up to my alarms blaring. I turn over and turn it off. I hear slight movement and yawing from the phone. I look over and Colby was still asleep and his breathing went back to normal.

He looked so innocent when he sleeps. "Morning"  he spoke with his eyes still closed. I guess he saw me staring.

"Oh morning." I take my phone and put it on my dresser. I move the phone down that way the screen was black. I took off my shirt and went into my closet grabbing a gray California hoodie.

I got some jeans and put them on. they had a few holes in the legs. I put on some socks. I grabbed my phone, but Colby was no longer in the camera.

I took it to the bathroom and pulled out my toothbrush brushing my teeth.

I wash my face drying it. I then put on some mascara and eyeliner.

I take my hair down from the messy bun it was in and brush through it. I curl my curtain bangs.

"You look good." I heard colby say.

"Oh shit! Don't scare me like that." I sigh.

"My bad but hey ima go cus I go it's get ready and get to school and stuff." He said into the phone.

"Yeah okay. I'll see you in school." I put all my makeup away.

"Bye. I'll look for you" he winked.

"Bye" I smiled.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked back into my room and put on my shoes. I grabbed my book bag and walked downstairs. My dad was not home yet.

I opened the fridge grabbing a gatorade. I opened it take a sip. I heard a honk from outside. I walked out the front door and saw Katrina. I got in the front.

"Hey girl! Where Tara?" I asked. She looked at me "with Jake." She backed out the drive way.

"Oh shit. They getting serious?" I pulled out my phone.

"I mean it's only been 4 days since they've know each other so like I don't know." She turned down the radio.

"WhT about you and Sam, I saw y'all chumming it up at the party." I give her a look.

"Don't even start Kiara. He's cute I guess. You and Colby seem to get along." Kat pulled into the Starbucks drive through.

"Uhm I guess, but just friends." I nodded.

"Mhm" she rolled her eyes.

"What!" I look at her. "I see the way you look at him, you think he's cute." She gave me a certain smile.

"No I don't." I roll my eyes sitting back.


I walked to my locker putting my things in it. "Kiara!" I heard someone yell my name. I turn and see Colby.

"Oh hey." I smiled as he came up to me. He hugged me, grabbing at my hip. I pulled away, Tara and Jake were walking up, holding hands.

"Hey kiara!" Tara smiled. "Where's kat?" She asked.

"Bathroom." I nodded closing my locker.

"Hey can Katrina come Tuesday?" I looked up at Colby making eye contact. "Yeah, more people the better." He smiled.

"Ima go to class." I started walking but Colby followed.

"Yes?" I look over at him. "Just want to walk with  you." He smiled.

"Okay?" I said confused.

"So. What are you doing after school?" He asked.

"Is that your way of asking to hang out?" I look at him but he didn't answer. "I'm going to get a bathing suit, cus I don't own one." I look straight focusing on where I walk.

"How do you not own a bathing suit?" He stopped as I stopped in front of my class.

"Cus I don't have enough time to go swimming. Not in my schedule." I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." He chuckled.

"Yeah ok, this is my class." I smile slightly.

"Hm cool, cus it's mine too." He looked up from a paper.

"What?" I look at him as he walked past me. He held up a sheet of paper "schedule change" he winked at me, finding a seat.

I smile, to then quickly drop it and walk into class.

"Got a pencil?" I turn to Colby.

He sighed. "Yeah." He went into his bag and grabbed a pencil. He handed it to me, touching my hand gently as he did it. I quickly pull away turning back around.

"Alright 10 minutes to study then we start our quarterly exam." Mr. Linsey announced. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Study with me?" Colby asked giving that smile when he wants something.

"I'm good. I prefer to study alone." I turn back around.

"Ouch. What's that the third time rejecting me" he laughed my I turned around. "Maybe you should get the hint." I smile at him.

"You see I don't give up. Because eventually you'll give in, you care. I know you do." He smirks opening a book.

"I don't care." I shrug.

"Says the one turned around talking to me." He focused on the book, reading with a smirk.

I roll my eyes and turned around. Still smiling.
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