Chapter 07: A List of No Nos

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Richard POV

She's beautiful. She's petite and cute with these breathtaking eyes of hers. Her nose is small and her hair is naturally bright ginger and curly, I know when I see fake hair, like dyed hair. Her hair is curly and waist long. Her hair actually reminded me of Aphrodite or Athena. The Goddesses of wisdom and beauty.

 Her body is perfect and her voice is feminine and her intelligence is beyond words. She's the meaning of perfection and beauty.

However, she's nosy. She left me speechless as she threw a grenade in my office, telling me Britany and I are in a relationship and that it was toxic. I chuckle on my ride home.

I am a person of few words, at work, and with an emotionless face also at work and with my family, too. I am mean and have anger issues. I don't tolerate disrespect and I hate conversations.

I don't tolerate bitchiness and people who do not follow rules. I am a man full of control, and nobody can break me. Until she came. Wait, what? What did I say? No, she didn't break me. Why am I thinking about her again?

Well, she may have broken me a teeny tiny bit, I wasn't going to hire anyone yesterday, but when she came, oh sweet Jesus Christ. I just came to fulfill my father's wishes to see the right people who can improve our company. But I know people lie. They just want to work here for the title. The senior manager of sales and marketing. Nobody was qualified but she was. She was ambitious and hardworking. She had a like 20-year plan.

I asked her indirectly about her relationship status, thinking I was smart, but she politely told me that it was none of my damn business. God, she's strong and fierce. When I saw her in the streets or more like hit her, wait she hit me, anyway, I was glad that I decided to show up to work that day. I was glad that I didn't show her that beast within me. He existed everybody knew but not her. I don't think I will show that angel that part of me.

I entered my house, I don't stay here a lot. I don't feel like this is home. Never decorated it for Christmas, never invited anyone here, and by anyone I mean everyone. It's just a place where I change my clothes, eat and sleep so I barely spend 7 hours here. I have nobody to stay home to, not that I give a fuck, or maybe I do. No, I don't give a fuck.

I can't stay here, I don't want to stay here. I took my keys and got out of the house, I got inside my car and drove wherever the wind decided to take me. Then I remembered her address, I decided to go there, why is her address in my mind again? Her house was nice, it was a two-floor house in a nice neighborhood.

I knocked on the door once, twice when I decided it was a bad idea I began walking back to my car. She is going to think or say that I'm a stalker, she will think about how I got her address or how I memorized it. I'm not a stalker. I just needed to talk to her. I don't know why but I feel like I have to talk to her, maybe even obliged to talk to her in a good way though.

She opened the door forcefully, she was still in the clothes she came to work with today, "Good evening, Valentina" it seemed like she was in a state of shock, I was standing out for a minute, this was a mistake, I shouldn't have come here.

"Good evening, Mr. Pierce. Come in" I wonder what my name would sound like coming out of those plump strawberry pink beautiful lips of hers. How is she that beautiful?

"Valentina" I heard a voice coming from upstairs "Are you with someone?" "excuse me?" She understood me wrong, I chuckled all I meant was that there might be someone here, like a friend. "Is there someone here with you, I mean now?" She chuckled blushing lightly "yes it's Mia" "Who's at the door darling?" Mia seemed drunk.

I sat in a chair in front of Valentina "Oh for the sweet love of Jesus Christ" she slid down her chair making me chuckle, this was pretty interesting, I wonder how Mia would react when she sees me. "Is that? Am I?" She paled up and literally ran out the door.

"I'm sorry about that," she said in her thick British accent, she got up "A drink?" She offered "Water please" I looked at her walking away.

"So," she said as she sat in front of me "I'm sorry" she apologized, why is she apologizing again? "It's my first day and I just barge in and tell you it's not healthy, like who am I?" She looked at me regretting what she did in the company.

"I am sorry" I looked down, but I never apologized. I have a list of No nos. It's like a motto to me.

1. Never show guilt. 

2. Never show sympathy. 

3. Never make someone that away the standards and position you're in.

4. Never apologize.

5. No relationships.

6. Only one-night stands.

7. Never get attached.

8. Nothing but perfection.

9. No more getting heartbroken

 She looked shocked "I gave you a look that just made you run from the office, and dude making me come here" I threw everything on my mind, and she chuckled, dude what is she doing to me? "well do you want something to drink? Like real this time" she offered sitting on the edge of the chair "Wine?" I was never a wine fan, but it's the first thing I found here, I don't think she's going to have bought things yet plus it's 6 pm so no whiskey. "I approve" she got up and disappeared into the kitchen or I think it is, I just laughed at the way she said it "Just a minute."

We jumped from one conversation to another and each one got more interesting, I just met her for what like 24 hours? And I feel like I know her more than I know myself. Or more like, like her more than I like myself. I can't like her, she can't break me.

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